If You’re Just Writing For The Views, You’re Not A Real Writer

3 things real writers write for

Tom Kuegler
The Mind Of A Writer


Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

“Writers” can be so funny.

Getting angry at the fact their views are gone. Getting angry they can’t get any traction. Quitting after publishing just 5 blog posts.

I can’t believe this behavior.

Writing isn’t a popularity contest. Writing isn’t about views and read time and money. The real value of writing transcends something as fickle as currency — the real value of writing is personal.

Let me explain.

Whatever Happened To Journaling?

Yesterday my friend posted something on Facebook about her journaling habit. She said that while it may be “weird,” it helps her a lot with her mental health. First — why did she say it was weird? I guess because many people don’t journal. I’m not surprised.

Second, she said it improves her mental health. I couldn’t agree more.

Before I wrote a single word on the internet, I burned through two 100-page journals over the span of 2 years. I enjoyed the hell out of daily journaling, and got a lot of value from writing.




Tom Kuegler
The Mind Of A Writer

Travel blogger. 30 years old. Currently in Mexico. Subscribe to my Substack: https://mindofawriter.substack.com/