You’re Probably Not Ready To Be A Writer Yet

Tom Kuegler
The Mind Of A Writer
4 min readMar 24, 2021


Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

It’s pretty simple to make it as a writer online. Here’s a simple two-step framework to go viral:

See article that did well on Medium.

Copy the shit out of it.

Boom. No need to take any writing courses. Literally just copy other great writers. Copy their headline structure, copy their topics, and copy their ideas.

Soon you’ll go viral, too.

It’s so mind-boggling to me how the blueprint is right there in front of us the whole time.

You see what does well on platforms like Medium. Great, now go copy the hell out of it.

You want to know why your articles aren’t doing good? Because they have a headline like “A Day At The Circus.”

What the fuck? You think that’s going to go viral? Let me know when you re-enter Earth’s orbit because you’re on fucking Saturn right now.

Are you ready to make it as a writer online? Along with being generally clueless, here’s a few other common flaws in character I see so many writers having.

1. They Want Fast Results

It took me 10 months writing on Medium to crack 10,000 monthly views. Are you willing to stick around for that long? What’s your goal, even? Do you know what to…



Tom Kuegler
The Mind Of A Writer

Travel blogger. 30 years old. Currently in Mexico. Subscribe to my Substack: