đź’ˇFindora Validator Spotlightđź’ˇ: RockX

Findora Foundation
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2022

Validator Spotlights showcase the great teams working to guarantee the security and decentralization of the Findora blockchain. Here are RockX’s responses to some questions from the Findora community:

1. Tell us about RockX

RockX is a leader in non-custodial staking for Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, Osmosis, and now Findora ecosystems. It was established in 2019, and so has been in the blockchain industry for 3 years now. We are a Web3 company that acts as a gateway to crypto finances. Through innovative and easy-to-use products, we give individuals and institutions access to blockchain data, crypto yield products, and the best-in-class key management solutions.

With over $900 million USD worth of tokens staked on our validators, RockX is an innovator in liquid staking, data services, and MPC key management, and we have partnered with firms like Lido, SSV Network, and Amber Group. Aside from running validator nodes, RockX also provides an access node API service. This allows blockchain businesses or developers to access on-chain data.

RockX will soon provide non-custodial staking for Findora. This means users hold their own keys, allowing them to stake FRA without surrendering ownership of their funds. Their FRA will be stored in their cold wallets.

2. What should we know about the RockX team?

Although RockX is based in Singapore, the RockX team is located around the world. This allows us to be responsive to inquiries from our community around the clock. We are committed to putting our community above all else, especially when it comes to things like governance and voting. You may reach us on Discord at any time. Also feel free to tweet at us, email us or drop a message through the chatbot on our site.

We’re also committed to security. With consistent, regular updates and 24/7 monitoring, our nodes have consistently performed smoothly and remained online at all times.

3. What makes RockX unique?

RockX prioritizes transparency and ownership. We strongly believe that everyone should know exactly what they are getting themselves into before staking with us. Thus, we’re extremely clear with how much commission we charge and lock-up periods. This is also why we provide additional resources on our blog for anyone wanting more information. Whether it’s about staking, crypto in general, or the technology behind it, we publish thrice-weekly to answer common questions and provide regular updates on Web3 happenings.

We provide non-custodial staking, meaning you get to retain ownership of your coins while you stake. This gives you control over your assets and preserves the decentralized nature of crypto.

4. Why do you want to validate with Findora?

Ownership has always been important to RockX, which is why we offer non-custodial staking. We believe that with decentralization comes the right to data ownership, which goes hand-in-hand with privacy.

Rather than exchanging personal data for online services, blockchain technology allows people to take ownership of their personal data. This is what truly sets Web3 apart from Web2. With advances such as zero-knowledge technology, this is becoming more of a reality. Findora’s focus on ZK and privacy aligns perfectly with our vision of what Web3 will look like in the future, and we’re excited to support that in any way that we can.

5. Where can the Findora Community learn more about RockX?

Website: www.rockx.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rockx_official

Discord: https://t.co/GmwzB17Wt2

For direct access to our access node portal: access.rockx.com

For more information on staking or Web3 in general: blog.rockx.com

