Company goals

Todd Wolfson
Find Work
Published in
1 min readFeb 26, 2016

While I have stated that the point of this experiment is to build and launch a product, I feel like I haven’t stated my other goals.

Low employee count

From my observations/experience, most startups want to grow fast both in revenue and employee count. I have been curious whether the employee count is a necessity or out of habit.

I have seen a handful of companies that have been either solo developers or are small teams (e.g. PadMapper, Moqups) for a long time. However, their amount seems small in comparison to most companies.

In the gaming industry, there are a bunch of indie developers so I imagine there can be a similar parallel in startups.

Motivated by product

I think most companies are good about this but I want to reiterate it as an important goal. The company should be motivated by building a great product, not about revenue numbers.

For the same reason that I do open source (to solve my and other person’s problems), I want to build a product that genuinely helps people.

Multiple products

I believe with the proper tooling, it’s plausible for a small company to run/manage multiple products. I think eventually products become stable/feature complete and can be considered done.

Obviously, I could be horribly wrong about this (a lot of companies usually only run 1 product) but we shall see (hence the experiment).



Todd Wolfson
Find Work

Mathematician turned software engineer. Hacking on JS and Ruby at Standard Cyborg. Founder at Find Work. Formerly at, Uber, Ensighten, and Behance