Password-less login

Todd Wolfson
Find Work
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2017

Update: We received a lot of feedback and wrote a continuation here.

During the creation of Find Work, we used Google Sign-In for quick prototyping. Now that we have launched, we need to support more than Google users so we are adding email-based login. After some thought, we have decided to build it in a password-less manner.

Sizing up the problem

We have a handful of reasons for going password-less so let’s go over all the factors:

Password-ful login

  • Pro: Well-established UX convention
  • Pro: No need to navigate between screens
  • Con: If database is compromised and passwords are reused across sites, then attackers might be able to access more sites
  • Con: Many screens (e.g. email validation, forgot password flow) leading to more development work, more chances for error, and larger surface area for attacks

Password-less login

  • Pro: If database is compromised, then there are no password leaks
  • Pro: Email validation comes free during sign up
  • Pro: Less screens yielding less work and smaller surface area
  • Potential UX issue: Might not have email access on intended device. Workaround is to send a link AND a typeable token (a la 2 factor authentication)

General concerns

  • Leaking account existence via timing attacks (especially important for Find Work since we don’t want employers to find out employees are thinking about leaving)
  • Using unpredictable tokens (i.e. email validation, forgot password, and password-less login all need these)
  • Require reauthentication for important changes (e.g. email editing, see GitHub sudo mode)

Strawperson argument: Email access

Claim: If someone has access to email account, then they can login.

Rebuttal: This is possible in a password-ful login setup via the forgot password flow. Sometimes there are additional “security questions” but this is typically easily found information.

Strawperson argument: Browser extension

Claim: With this setup, I can’t login easily with my LastPass, 1Password, etc browser extension.

Rebuttal: This is a legitimate claim but it’s equally plausible to use an email integrated browser extension. Additionally, we persist sessions for 2 weeks since the last access so this shouldn’t be a showstopper.

Relevant XKCD:

Planned implementation/solution

With all our ideas on the table, here’s the high level details of our solution:

  • Always look up account/send email via a queue (prevents timing attacks)
  • Avoid predictable tokens via salting and hashing
  • Store token in session to restrict brute force surface area
  • Use time constant comparison for tokens (prevents timing attacks)
  • Invalidate token on failure (1 try for link, 3 tries for manual entry)
  • Invalidate token via expiration (15 minutes)
  • First iteration: Require writing to support for important changes
  • Second iteration: Require recent reauthentication for important changes (e.g. within past 15 minutes)

and here are some quick mocks/prototypes to convey our solution visually:

Log in request page
Log in email
Log in callback/token page

Update: We received a lot of feedback and wrote a continuation here.




Todd Wolfson
Find Work

Mathematician turned software engineer. Hacking on JS and Ruby at Standard Cyborg. Founder at Find Work. Formerly at, Uber, Ensighten, and Behance