The Finer Things

The Fine Citizens recap their favorites of 2015 & share resolutions for the New Year

Fine Citizens
Fine Citizens


Phil Wilson

Founder, President & CEO

App: Nest, Mint, Trello, Slack and Dropbox
Song: Anything from Sia or Zero 7 lately
gif: There are WAY too many favorite gif responses to pick one
Movie: Really? You have to ask me? 2015 was all about Star Wars The Force Awakens. Period.
Podcast: Me don’t do podcasts
Netflix binger: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. / House of Cards
2016 resolution: To always avoid making new year resolutions
Emoji: any, every, all

Jen May

Director of Production

App: Fandango, it made picking out a movie, a time, seats and purchasing tickets before the movie so easy! Also Uber, didn’t use it a lot in 2015 but enjoyed how easy to use it is when I did use it.
Movie: Hunger Games — Mockingjay Part 2, Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, and Insurgent
Netflix binger: Breaking Bad, I realize this is an older show but I just watched all of them for the first time in 2015, and loved it

Julianna Kuetemeyer

Marketing Coordinator

App: Blood Donor by the Red Cross or Chipotle (I ate a LOT of Chipotle in 2015)
gif: Pioneer Garet
Book (for business or pleasure): Pleasure, I read a lot of kids books with my 1 year old and have been pretty into Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae. Business, Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd by Youngme Moon
Movie: The Little Prince
Podcast: NPR Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me with and honorable mention for The Bookworms ( which is 3 tween-age girls reviewing books. I love it.
Commercial/Advertisement: #LikeAGirl by Always
Netflix binger: Good question. Grace and Frankie OR Daredevil
2016 resolution: Sit and stand up straighter. My posture is horrible.

Justin Wolf

Director of User Experience

Book (for business or pleasure): The Martian by Andy Weir
Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road (Star Wars: The Force Awakens a close second)

Jessica McManus

User Experience Designer

App: Square Cash, Snapchat, Instagram
Song: Never thought I’d say this but I liked the turn that Justin Bieber made this year…I also listened to the Porter Robinson Worlds (Remix) Album on repeat for about 3 months straight.
Movie: The Martian in which I rushed to read the book the week before.
Netflix binger: I’m sad to say that this was the year I finished all the seasons of “Pretty Little Liars.”
2016 resolution: To become more organized/simplify my life.
Emoji: 🙊 or 🐱

Andrew Fisher

Director of Design

App: Evernote
Website: InVision
Song: “The Cost of Living” (Don Henley, feat. Merle Haggard)
gif: /giphy
Industry related article/blog:
Book (for business or pleasure): Oh Beautiful Beer
Movie: The Martian
Podcast: Serial
Netflix binger:
House of Cards
Emoji: Mission

Kattie Baker

Senior Designer

App: Feedly and Evernote (I’m an extremely forgetful person)
Website: Dribbble (Finally got my account this year!)
Song: Stitches by Shawn Mendes was stuck in my head more often than I’d like to admit.
Industry related article/blog: Not sure if it’s my favorite this year but it’s a more recent article I’ve read that sticks out in my mind over the past couple months:
Book (for business or pleasure): To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I somehow never ended up reading it in high school so I made it a point to finally read a few classics this year.
Movie: The Martian
Podcast: Invisibilia on NPR
Commercial/Advertisement: I only watched Netflix this year. Didn’t even watch the Super Bowl commercials.
Netflix binger: Downtown Abbey and Gilmore Girls #SlightlyEmbarassed #GuiltyPleasures
2016 resolution: Write a children’s book and dedicate to my dad (who’s still alive by the way).
Emoji: Prehistoric Tadpole

Garet Camella


App: Snapchat, Any.DO, Pocket, and Medium
Website: The DNA Project — the coolest interactive music/media art project I’ve ever experienced:
Song: Sadly, almost every song Justin Bieber put out in 2015 (never thought I’d say that)
gif: oh man…there’s too many…
Industry related article/blog: This Invision Blog post from a design firm that created an interactive neighborhood guide called On the Grid. The process of building and growing this projects is super inspiring:
Book (for business or pleasure): How to be a Graphic Designer without Losing Your Soul by Adrian Shaughnessy
Movie: Ain’t nobody got time for dat ;]
Commercial/Advertisement: I’m gonna take a cynical approach to this and say my LEAST favorite ads of the year involve every time McDonald’s tried to sound hip and down-to-earth on Spotify.
Netflix binger: Bob’s Burgers. Hands down.
Emoji: I use the one of the dude surfing a lot. It can mean: Thank you / Hell yeah / Agreed / That’s Chill / etc…
2016 resolution: Laugh more + cry more + inspire/get inspired more

Radleigh Wakefield


App: Primer, He Reads Truth, Any.Do
Website: Dribbble
Song: Polaroid by Imagine Dragons
Book (for business or pleasure): Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
Movie: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Russell Skaggs

Director of Development

App: Browser
Song: 2011 song, but Stars from Les Miserables sung by Earl Carpenter, Honorable mention, the Pioneer Song.
Industry related article/blog: Dear Design Student
Movie: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Podcast: Responsive Web Design.
Commercial/Advertisement: Tie between Campbell’s soup ( and Kraft Mac and Cheese: (
Netflix binger: The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
2016 resolution: Not make promises I can’t keep ;-)
Emoji: Slack Shipit Squirrel

John Spadafore

Senior Developer

Industry Blog:
Movie: Inside Out
Netflix Binger: Jessica Jones

Jamie Watson

Design Intern

App: Clear, Uber, Snapchat
Song: Paper Planes (wins every year) / Angel Olsen
gif: any cat gif (lettuce on cat head?)
Movie: Terminator 2
Podcast: Comedy Bang Bang, Spontaneanation, How Did This Get Made
Commercial/Advertisement: “I don’t need it right now”
Netflix binger: Wet Hot American Summer
2016 resolution: get better/do more drawing, be more imaginative, watch more movies
Emoji: upside down smiley face



Fine Citizens
Fine Citizens

We’re designers, developers, and strategists. Storytellers and problem solvers. And we handcraft digital experiences that improve the human experience.