We have “clients” not “customers”

Phil Wilson
Fine Citizens
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2015


While this may seem random, inconsequential and arbitrary, there is actually a very important concept at work when we choose to call the people we work with “clients” instead of “customers”.

We could do the cliche thing and insert a snippet of both definitions from Merriam-Webster but it just seems more authentic if we use our own words to define our meaning. So, here goes…

To us, a client is a partner; an organization seeking guidance. It is our job to provide that guidance; to create greatness on behalf of and in concert with that organization. Our calling is to make their ok ideas good; their good ideas great; their great ideas awe-inspiring. We protect their brands. We are their digital megaphones. We plant seeds together and watch as proud parents when those seeds grow into 100′ sequoias. We believe that our value is determined by how well we solve our clients’ problems. Sometimes we hit a home run. Sometimes we strike out. But, we always give our clients our very best because without them, we are nothing; a bunch of nerds just sitting around staring at each other. Our clients need us and we need them. It’s a symbiotic relationship (emphasis on relationship).

Now comes a customer to the counter. A customer seeking to buy a commodity. A customer looking for the “best bang for their buck.” A customer looking to make a purchase and walk away. We don’t have customers because we don’t sell oranges; or Silly String; or anything that can be put in a cart or a box. Our work is not a commodity. Our people are not commodities. And we’re looking for long-term relationships, not cash transactions. Our primary motivation is great work, not money. We’re not saying that being a customer is a bad thing; if one is shopping for a car or a purple suit, that’s fine (ok, well, a purple suit may actually be a bad thing). But, we’re not Best Buy. What we have to offer is intangible. Our product is inspiration. Our inventory is talent. Our raw materials are creativity and innovation.

We are certainly not the least expensive design agency around. But, a client sees our value (especially over the long-term); a customer would not.

So, we are very proud to say that we have many clients. We have 0 customers. And, we are quite happy with that.

Confession: I originally published these thoughts in May of 2012 but these words are particularly relevant in today’s oftentimes high-pressure, go-for-the-quick-sale environment.

