Finding Motivation at Work Everyday

Read how Kati, Lead People Relations at Finema, feels about working here and achieves work-life balance.

Tan Wei Cong
Life at Finema
4 min readJun 1, 2023


Interview with Kati as he discusses his experience working in Finema and how he achieves work-life balance.

People who have been working for a while may sometimes feel exhausted and burnt out. Burnout syndrome can happen to anyone who is suffering from stress at work or other places and it is hard to avoid burnout syndrome.

At Finema, we understand that anyone could have a difficult day and how our employees feel matters to us. The following content will show you how Finema supports our employees to stay motivated to work while having fun as well.

Kati, Lead People Partnership, has been working with Finema for over a year. He is known to be effective and efficient in his work and feels happy working in Finema, where he can effectively balance his work and personal life.

We conducted a short interview with Kati to find out how he feels about working in Finema and tips to balance between personal life and work.

Can you please briefly explain your background?

I am Kati, the Lead of People Partnership here at Finema and I have been working in the Human Resources (HR) industry for 4 years. I chose to work in HR because I like to work with and take care of people by providing services to ensure that people are satisfied at work. I feel incredibly happy when I can see the smiles on people’s faces when their issues are resolved.

What makes you feel happy to be working at Finema?

It is simple, I feel happy just being able to work in Finema. At Finema, we treat each other like family and have mutual respect. Furthermore, we practice the value of sharing where everyone is always willing to offer help to someone in need. In my opinion, how people perceive happiness is in the eye of the beholder and may not be the same for everyone.

How do you handle personal life and Work Life simultaneously?

I would consider it the greatest challenge I have ever encountered. Time allocation is important. While we work for 8 hours a day, we strive to work with maximum efficiency. This involves managing time for oneself and the team to achieve more than 8 hours of work in a day. One approach is to plan and distribute work responsibilities among team members and offer support to one another to accomplish set goals.

I would like to share a few time management strategies that I follow. While some may perceive me as a workaholic, I can assure you that I have pre-planned everything and work diligently and efficiently. I usually dedicate Sunday evenings to planning for the week ahead. What are our goals for the week? What tasks need to be completed? How should we manage the team and when can we expect specific results?

For planning my workday schedule, I usually include these few steps:

  1. To-do list: I will spend 10 minutes creating a to-do list based on how many tasks need to be completed on that day. This allows me to begin the day with a clear plan.
  2. Following a daily routine: I have a daily routine which I follow which includes having showering and getting dressed, having breakfast and any other necessary responsibilities like dropping off my kids.
  3. Starting work: I will reach out to colleagues that are working with me that day and schedule any necessary appointments.
  4. Updates: I will provide updates to the team, discuss tasks that need to be completed or ongoing

What keeps you motivated to work at Finema?

I would say the people here. My colleagues here are people who I am comfortable with and are aware that when we feel troubled, everyone is willing to help regardless of the situation. In Finema, we have the value of sharing where everyone can come together and share knowledge with each other.

What message do you want to convey for those who feel burnout from work?

I want everyone reading this to try setting a goal for themselves to work on within the next 6 months. What do you want to see in yourself? What have you already successfully accomplished? What kind of success do you want to achieve? Doing this helps to small wins for yourself and boosts your morale to continue working. We do not have to aim for great achievements right away. Instead, we can start with small successes and build towards bigger achievements. If you feel burned out, do not let the problems you are encountering hold you back. Look beyond the problems and focus on the possibilities. If you can overcome these obstacles, imagine how successful you can be!

If you ever feel like you need help, do not be afraid to reach out to your colleagues for help! If you are curious to learn more about us, visit

