Fluke Kao
Life at Finema
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2024


Help to create a happy workplace by providing strong employee benefits.

Being part of the Human Resource department might consume your energy and dedication when creating something for employees such as benefit programs, activities, etc. Sometimes you may need to dedicate your whole day to find the most appropriate benefit to support employees to have a happy life while producing a quantity of work for the company. It may sound a little bit too difficult to maintain employees’ benefits and employers’ benefits simultaneously. However, some HR professionals have done an impeccable job regarding working with employees to help them have a sufficiently decent lifestyle.
To point out some examples, one of our HR Officers at Finema can be considered a lovable HR officer in the company, referred to as Employee Relations Officer in this article.
Earth, Employee Relations Officer, has been working at Finema for over 2
years and she still keeps creating new benefits to help employees stay
motivated and productive at the same time. Earth herself has introduced
many perks to the company such as group insurance, massage, dental care, etc.

These benefits are comparatively crucial to young workers like
employees at Finema, as we have faced many things that could prevent us
from staying productive such as backaches, toothaches, and many more.
Being able to alleviate body pain and health problems would be highly
beneficial.By contrast, being exposed to troublesome healthcare payments might make them feel too worried about money spent. Therefore, Earth has tried her best to come up with benefits and programs that could help employees stand on their own and have smiles on their faces without any worries.

Earth worked to create festive activity.

To know more about HR at Finema, you can simply take a glance at the conversation with Earth below

1. Can you please introduce yourself?
Eart: Hi! I am Earth working as People Relations in People Partnership Team.

2. What inspired you to start working as HR as you graduated from the Marketing Major?

Earth: To give you a brief background, at First I was not intentionally planning to work in HR field and I did not have HR experience at that time. However, I was lucky that I was given the opportunity from one of a kind person to work as Human resources. I was told that I am suitable to work as HR because I can get along with people very well and I am willing to help people.

3. During your 4- 5 years as Human Resources, when was the time you realized that you act as a professional HR?

Earth: Honestly, I truly have been feeling that I am a professional HR for years but at Finema, I was given the opportunity to be HR professional at the workplace. Being HR at Finema, I can act as a friend, and sisters therefore, when someone encounters some hardships, I will be here to support everyone in the company. I work as a Human Resources who understands colleagues’ concerns and is committed to finding the appropriate solution to help solve the problem. I’ll continuously work with you to identify the problem and ensure it’s not neglected

4. Working as HR, sometimes your is successful and vice versa. Can you give us more situation?

Earth: When It comes to successful tasks, It could be tasks that I could help employees or get the tasks done. It would be considered an achievement. I will be glad once I get the recognition or admiration for the tasks I have done for them. However, when the task is unsuccessful, I will normally think positively and get used to it. When I started working as HR, I dedicated all of my attention, however, unfulfilled tasks could happen. So, I felt bad at that time.

5. What inspires you to stay working in HR?

Earth: Human resources is one of the jobs where you can work with people and you can get to know people from different backgrounds. I am personally fond of learning this to know more about how to work with people from different backgrounds and make everyone feel inclusive.

6. What message would like to convey to those who are hesitant to be HR professionals?

Earth: Working as HR can be challenging but yet you can do it. Especially, HR is related to communication, and understanding to employees. We need to help them to stay happy. To start working as Human Resources, first of all, if you want to work as HR, you can simply find out about yourself and what kind of HR would you like to be. There are plenty of HR functions which you can choose what you like most. if you happen to have a chance to be HR and you feel that It is not what you are after. You can try other HR functions.

As part of working at Finema, everyone is eligible to benefits like group
insurance, dental care, Thai Massage, training and development, and many more. Be part of us, as we would like to see a smile on your face while you
enjoy working in a positive environment.

