Digital Identity, the last innovation that will completely transform the world into digital.

Pakorn AJ Leesakul
Published in
8 min readMar 6, 2019

by Pakorn Leesakul


Today, we live in the digital world. But we have not yet entered into a completely digital world.

Do you know why?

Because the person’s identity still has to rely on the physical world such as ID card, driver’s license, etc. to say “Who we are.”

But whenever that the identity can be identified and confirmed 100% on digital (Digital Identity) then the world is completely disrupted.

Cashless society, digital economy, etc., will happen quickly because of the ‘identity’ that defines everything in society has already moved to the digital world.

The question is, why does ‘Digital Identity’ change the world?

I want to answer in 4 issues, ranging from the basics, the subject to the results.

For those who have basic knowledge about Identity and want to know how Digital Identity will change the world, skip to read the 4th issue.

1. The identity is a fictitious thing. Acceptance is the truth.

Asked, “Who are you?”

You may answer the name-surname, occupation, date of birth.

But asked, “Why do we believe?”

Because the Government ID card identifies that information? And why do we believe the data in the ID card is real? That is because we trust the institution that issued the card, The Department of Local Administration.

As we believe that “banknotes” can be exchanged for products. Because we believe in banks.

But if those institutions are not accepted. That matter, regardless of the identity card, driver’s license, etc., is worthless and meaningless.

Therefore, it can be seen that in fact that ‘Identity’ is a fictitious thing, but what makes it real is mutual recognition.

2. The gap and the problem of ‘identity’ on the analog world

Classic phrase “On the internet, nobody knows you are a dog.”

If the card is poured out from your wallet, let’s think of anything that identifies us personally.

The answer is “No.”

Means that objects represent various identities. There is a space for others to use to replace all of us.

For example, you lost a credit card, and someone takes your card to use.

The movie ‘Identity Theft’ is a real story about identity theft. It’s a horrible joke because it is a true story that is still happening today. Probably not joking for the person who faces it.

If twins or people who look like you bring your ID card to open a bank account. The staff may be willing to open it without knowing that the person is not you.

Or if your ID card has been lost, there is a ‘gap’ for others to use. Perhaps just copying, editing the photo then signing, that’s it.

This is a space that causes Fake ID problems.

Search results “Copy of ID card” in Google

Because the data collection structure today is separated into silos such as information about the ID card located at the Department of Local Administration. Bank account information is at the bank that owns the account, which creates a ‘gap’ of confirmation and identification between parties.

Okay, people might say that now there is a card reader. By reading the information in the chip but the main issue is exciting technology in the world today makes everything such as SIM cards, etc. can be copied.

Examples of obvious and easy copying in this era is to copy our identity in documents such as graduation certificates, payroll certifications, etc.

Imagine if we want to create our fake ID by forging a new graduation certificate. We can do it with the original scan and use the graphics program to retouch and edit data.

Or if you want to make a letterhead, rubber stamp, or even a signature.

“Can you fake?”

Many people know that it is not difficult to do.

For this reason, we have a lot of fake ID issues.

We might use to be familiar with the original identity verification.
And may forget to ask the question. Is there a better way?

3. Know the Identity Model to understand Digital Identity

What is Digital Identity? Before talking about this, let’s take a look at the full picture of identity verification or the identity model in this world, which has three types, and I would like to explain easily as follows.

1. Confirmation directly to an organization that “this is me.”

You have an account with a bank. When going to the bank application, you must log-in with your username and password to make the transaction.

Why the bank believed that “this is us” because we opened an account with that bank.

And they have our information to check that; this is us

2. To ask other people, “Who is he?”

When you log-in to Dropbox, you may use the username and password applied to Dropbox. In this case, this is the first type to confirm “This is my own.” But if the second type is the case that you log in with Facebook or Log in with Google.

That is to ask another person or the technical language is called the Third Party Identity Provider, “Who is this?”

3. Tell two people that “I am” (Peer to Peer)

Imagine if you send a document file to the Human Resources Department and say that this is the correct document and is accepted. Without having to wait to prove that it is real or fake from the issuer because things that will prove true or false are “systems.”

In today’s world, we are still stuck in the limitations of physical documents.
We can not verify 100% correctly from the physical documents.
You can only check with the naked eye or accepting that it is indeed a valid document. But soon, Identification and verification systems will be Peer to Peer, also known as Decentralized Digital Identity System.

A sample of student card information generated from the Decentralized Digital Identity System.

Where all data is linked to the same platform through a blockchain system. The innovation that stores data in a decentralized location that everyone can access and check.

When our ‘identity’ was moved to the same area in the digital world, and society accepting that area.

The identity which is the foundation of everything (The money we use is based on the ‘identity’ of the institution and the person who oversees the policy, see from the governor’s signature banknotes)

It will change human society and the world until we can’t imagine.

4. How does Digital Identity change the world?

I’ve written about the concept of “How’s digital change this world.” The arrival of digital makes the ‘area’ and ‘time’ shorten.

Because of this, our world today is fast changing at an alarming rate.

Who can’t imagine I would like to give a simple example, like before when we wanted to know the news. We went to the newsstand. Buy a newspaper to read, but digital gives us instant access to news opens the smartphone.

This is a shortened contraction of ‘areas’ and ‘time.’

But in the past, things that were digitized is still just another thing related to our ‘identity’ (think of the ID card Today, we still need to use a real card to verify identity. Or sometimes we have to go to the transaction by ourselves to say “this is me.”)

But Decentralized Digital Identity is the answer to making our identity completely digital. All things are confirmed and verified on a reliable platform that runs on the Blockchain system.

Why is the Decentralized Digital Identity system on the blockchain so reliable?

Because this system uses blockchain’s capabilities that changed the method of recording the information that had previously been stored in the ‘middleman,’ a few (such as the Department of Local Administration, banks, etc.) to be on the network that everyone owns.

The system is designed for every transaction that occurs, are mutual recognition and everyone can go back and check.

Currently, the whole world is under the development of platforms. Decentralized Digital Identity. Some countries use it.

In Thailand, Finema is currently developing this platform. By becoming a member of Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), which is a global organization with big names such as Microsoft, IBM, Accenture, etc.

To create a digital identity platform for Thailand.


Okay, come to the question, “How does Digital Identity change the world?”

One document and an object that confirms identity will become a digital file.

Regardless of the identity card, credit card, ATM card, land title deed, and many others will disappear into digital files. Those files can verify the accuracy and verify ownership 100% through standards that everyone accepts together.

Such as the title deed file will be valid when it is sent from you. It is the same file that the Department of Land held and issued which can be verified and confirmed on the blockchain system.

Two transactions, everything will happen in real time.

When ‘Identity’ becomes digital, and on a platform that all parties accept together. You can make a transaction such as creating a visa, submit it online and will be confirmed immediately.

When the face to face activity is reduced, everything will happen very quickly. If you think easily, the emergence of Digital Identity may help solve the problem of a traffic jam because people do not have to travel to the transaction anymore.

Three major industrial disruptions.

In addition to solving the problem of a traffic jam (Which I believe Digital Identity will disrupt many industries.

Try to think about it. If one day there is no messenger to send documents what will happen?

I believe that soon, Digital Identity happened that day, the business world and human beings will enter the digital age completely.


Anyone who thinks that the world today has changed a lot, I think the world after Digital Identity will change so shocking.

Because ‘Identity’ which is a hypothesis that makes other assumptions In this world has meaning has already become digitized.

Thai Version:



Pakorn AJ Leesakul
Editor for

Entrepreneur, Tech, Digital, Blockchain, Quantum, Transform, Wisdom, Digital Identity, Self-Sovereign Identity, Futurist