Are you a Kenyan between the ages of 20–30? We have just the money saving hacks for you

Bertina Onchiri
Fingo Africa
3 min readJun 14, 2024


Are you tired of stretching your shilling until it screams? Whether you’re a campus hustler, a fresh graduate or just starting your career journey, mastering the art of saving money is the key to financial freedom. Here are 6 hacks to help you navigate the world of personal finance and make your money work for you:

Track Your Spending

Tracking expenses helps you understand where your money is currently going, which is crucial for creating a realistic budget that you can stick to. Once you have a clear picture of your spending habits, you can then set specific budgeting goals and allocate funds accordingly to achieve your financial objectives.

Set Realistic Budgets

Budgeting isn’t about restricting yourself; it’s about understanding where your money goes. Start by noting down your monthly income and essential expenses like rent and bills. Allocate the remainder to non-essentials and savings. This approach ensures you avoid running out of funds before the month ends.

Cook More, Eat Out Less

Eating out can quickly drain your wallet. Instead, try cooking at home more often. Plan meals in advance, shop with a grocery list and explore online recipes. it’s not only healthier but also saves you a bundle.

Automate Your Savings

Set up automatic transfers to your savings pot each month. Even a small amount can add up over time. With Fingo, you can create savings goals and automate transfers daily, weekly or monthly, making it easier to reach your milestones faster.

Cut Down on Impulse Buying

We’ve all been there, tempted by that flashy gadget or trendy outfit. Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it aligns with your financial goals. Be mindful of your spending habits and avoiding spontaneous purchases. Planning your purchases in advance will help you stick to your budget.

Invest in Financial Education

Knowledge is power when it comes to money. Attend workshops, read books and engage with online resources to expand your knowledge. Understanding how to invest wisely and manage debt can lead to long-term financial success.

Ready to take control of your finances? Download the Fingo app today and experience the ease of managing your money effectively. Utilize our FREE budgeting tool to track your spending and set financial goals. Don’t just dream of financial freedom, make it a reality with Fingo😉

