Money Talks: Strengthening Relationships Through Financial Transparency

Bertina Onchiri
Fingo Africa
3 min readMay 21, 2024


Jane and Tom, a young couple who have been together for three years, recently decided to take the next step in their relationship by moving in together. Excited about this new chapter in their lives, they quickly settled into their cozy apartment in Nairobi and began merging their lives. However, one area they struggled with was handling their finances.

Despite their love for each other, Jane and Tom found themselves facing constant tension when it came to money matters. They both had different spending habits and financial priorities but instead of discussing these differences openly, they often avoided the topic altogether. This lack of communication led to misunderstandings, resentment and strained their relationship.

Jane, who was more frugal and focused on saving for the future, felt frustrated by Tom’s impulse purchases and lack of budgeting. On the other hand, Tom, who enjoyed treating himself and didn’t see the harm in splurging occasionally, felt stifled by Jane’s strict approach to money management. As a result, they found themselves arguing frequently about their finances with neither feeling understood or heard by the other.

Communication and transparency about money matters are crucial for building trust and understanding in relationships. Here’s why being open about finances can strengthen your bond as a couple.

The Power of Transparency

Being transparent about your financial situation can prevent misunderstandings and build trust. For example, sharing your income, expenses and debts with your partner can help both of you make informed decisions together. Transparency also includes discussing financial goals and priorities to align your visions for the future.

Initiating Money Talks

Starting conversations about money can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Try setting aside dedicated time to discuss finances in a calm and non-judgmental manner. For instance, schedule monthly ‘money dates’ where you review your budget, set goals and address any concerns together.

Setting Joint Financial Goals

Two heads are better than one, especially when it comes to financial planning. Sit down together and outline short-term and long-term goals, like buying a home or starting a business. By working towards shared aspirations, you’ll strengthen your bond and financial security.

Resolving Disagreements Constructively

Disagreements about money are common in relationships but how you handle them matters. Instead of avoiding conflicts, approach them with empathy and understanding. Practice active listening, compromise and seek solutions that benefit both partners. Remember, it’s not about who’s right or wrong but finding a middle ground that respects both perspectives.

If Jane and Tom had been transparent about their finances from the start, they could have avoided misunderstandings and worked towards common goals. Open and honest communication about money is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Fingo offers tools for budgeting, expense tracking, goal setting and more to help you manage your money effectively together. Start your journey towards financial harmony today.

