Meet Grace, Brand Partnerships Guru 💁‍♀️

Finimize Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018

Grace is quite the legend. She’s all about #girlpower, loves herself an extra hot cappuccino, and if she were stranded on an island, would take her pillow, French pastries and red wine to stay alive.

Getting to Know Grace

Where are you from? I grew up in North East London, aka London.

What did you do before Finimize? I studied Philosophy at The University of Nottingham, which I really enjoyed. After graduating, I went to a startup consultancy firm, and then joined J.P. Morgan Investment Bank where I spent four years, most recently in Sales & Trading.

So, why Finimize? Well, what really drew me to Finimize was that I wanted to join something that was on a huge trajectory of growth, where I could have a meaningful impact on in the business in my day-to-day. Finimize also has a very tight knit culture, with great people that I wanted to work with.

And in your role as Brand Partnerships Guru, what does your day to day look like? I guess it varies a bit! But I spend most of my day keeping up relations with the partners that we’re working with in that space. I look for strategic leads, try to think of new ways to commercialize the business, and explore new ideas for ads and content partnerships. You can find me trawling through websites and building up a list of new people to reach out to, whilst sipping tea.

What’s been your biggest challenge and success? I think for me my biggest challenge so far has been selling a product that is truly great, but doesn’t have the biggest reach quite yet. It’s kept me on my toes, though, which keeps it interesting and rewarding. Yesterday I nailed our highest CPM (cost per thousand impressions) deal, which feels pretty good.

What’s been your funniest Finimize story so far? Welllll, the whole team wished me luck on my Bumble date and then decided that they were going to crash it. That was hilarious… 🙄

Favorite team activity? My favorite team activity has been the axe-throwing social (thanks, Pierre!) and spontaneous drinks with the team on Friday afternoons.

The Fun Stuff

What’s your favorite jam on the tube? “I Better Love You” by Will Heard or “Sir Duke” by Stevie Wonder for sure!

What’s your favorite summer food? Favorite cuisine is definitely Thai or Indian, but I’d say my favorite summer food is anything with Halloumi. Yum.

What’s your favorite drink? Red, red wine. 🍷

What’s your coffee & donut order? Hmm, my favorite donut (from Crosstown obviously) is the Beetroot Lemon-Thyme, and the best coffee to go with it is an extra hot cappuccino.

What’s your favorite park to hang in London? Battersea Park is my go to. When I first moved away from home, I actually moved to Battersea. The park was a huge perk.

When you have time to wind down, what are your favorite shows on Netflix? I absolutely LOVE Broad City and recommend it to everyone. Also, House of Cards is a must.

What you do you do to pass the time? I don’t read as much as I’d like to, so this is top when I have free time. Otherwise I like being active, usually at the gym or walking around exploring.. Or just eating.

Any hidden talents we should be aware of? I’m a pretty keen baker and love whipping up banana bread, baked cheesecake, and a classic victoria sponge. I also make a great cup of tea and play football. #Wifemeup

~Anna, Community at Finimize

