The *new* Finimize Glossary: Making you even smarter 🤓

Finimize Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2018
We’ve launched a new glossary check it out here

“Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of courage-to move in the opposite direction.”

Albert Einstein

Unnecessary jargon

We avoid unnecessary jargon at Finimize. We believe it’s a contributing factor to finance being seen as both exclusive and excluding. Particularly to those of us not working on Wall Street.

Example: From a recent Forbes article on Tesla bonds: “I don’t want to make a big deal out of this, as the market is still illiquid and not widely traded. For example, this morning the 2-year CDS was quoted 7.25/9.25 (meaning the dealer is willing to pay 7.25% of the notional up front and 1% annually to buy credit protection, or sell protection and receive 9.25% up front and 1% annually). The five-year market, normally more liquid, was quoted 16.5/20.5, which is a very wide bid/offer spread.” ……🤷🏻‍

️Unfortunately, even we have to use technical terms now and again, but it’s important that we make sure that everyone can understand the language we use. Our new glossary is there to give you a quick and easy reminder of financial terms as and when you need them. Try this next example out…

Example: David Rosenberg predicts the end of a bull market “Something tells me in the next six months that we’re going to have a dramatic widening in credit spreads”. Without an instant grasp on terms like “bull market” and “credit spreads” the sentence becomes meaningless.

We’re always looking for ways to make our content more consumable — smart definitions means we can write smarter content and you can absorb the information you need in a short space of time.

Learning in context

One thing we have learned here is that information is absorbed far more efficiently if you take the new piece of information in context rather than on its own. If you’re trying to learn a new language, simply reading the dictionary probably isn’t the most efficient route to fluency.

Using the glossary in conjunction with our newsletter means that each term is presented to you in the context of today’s news. Take this example about the dramatic fall in value of Turkey’s currency — in 4 short sentences we’re covering ‘tariffs’ ‘central banks’ and ‘interest rates’. All integral pieces for you to build a clear picture of what is going on in the world.

Constantly evolving

Our glossary is still evolving with the help of our community, any terms that you find aren’t currently available you can simply request and we’ll continue to build out this library of concise, snackable definitions. The search function should make searching for the term you need a piece of cake.

At Finimize we love reading about bond-yields, but we understand not everyone has the time. So we’ve tried to make it as snappy and memorable as possible.

You can use the glossary too. We’ve made each term searchable and embeddable in your own content. You can access it any time at and as always Finimizers, we want your feedback — leave comments below on Medium.

