Dry Peanut Butter

You’ve made it this far you might as well see what I have to say about dry peanut butter.

Lil’ Crumbnut
The Finished Plate Project
3 min readOct 17, 2020


BEHOLD THE JAR. I ate about 1/3 of this jar with that spoon.

The other day I found out I didn’t get a job I really wanted. I cried a bunch in the car, came home, shit talked the place with my friend, then ate a bunch of peanut butter.

I don’t handle rejection very well.

I suppose I didn’t stir my peanut butter thoroughly before placing it in the fridge, because the top portion was more oily and the bottom (the part I was eating that day) was dry and not at all creamy.

The peanut butter in my jar was very much like the peanut butter inside a Reese’s Cup. Dry, crumbly and little horrible but absolutely the best thing ever. (Did you know they now have Reese’s Cups filled with Reese’s Pieces?! I like the idea of carbs on top of carbs — like mac and cheese on top of pizza — so stuffing a peanut butter filled chocolate candy inside another peanut butter filled chocolate candy is exciting to me. Because Reese’s Pieces are crunchy like M&M’s, I actually think this addition to the regular cup could be a major improvement upon its texture.)

Did you also know I have a strange interest in new types of Reese’s products? This post was supposed to be about rejection and like, persevering or something, but now it’s about Reese’s! Yay!

For example, in college I became obsessed with a Reese’s product that was a type of wafer thing, sort of like a Kit Kat bar but “make it Reese’s.” There was a delicious crispy wafer on the inside, layered between that classic p-buttah, all dressed up in chocolate.

While “researching” for this blog post gone rogue, I discovered that you can even buy Reese’s peanut butter wholesale! Webstaurant store sells a 50 pound bag-in-box of Reese’s peanut butter in case you have become addicted to just the peanut butter portion of a Reese’s or perhaps you own an ice cream shop and just like the way the Reese’s peanut butter tastes in your milkshakes and other ice cream shop-y treats.

Other interesting Reese’s variations include: the Reese’s Franken-cup, Reese’s with Pretzels, Reese’s Dark Chocolate Dipped Pretzels, Reese’s Snack Cake (say that 10 times fast), Reese’s Take 5, Reese’s Outrageous and White Reese’s Minis Unwrapped. Fun stuff.

Here are some other thoughts I have about Reese’s:

  • I really like the Halloween shapes because they are usually a little bigger than the regular cup, and I feel kinda like I’m getting a King size Reese’s without actually getting one.
  • Have you ever had ice cream that has those extra teensy mini peanut butter cups in it? I don’t know if they’re Reese’s brand but I like them because of how itsy bitsy they are.
  • This will shock you but I don’t really eat a lot of candy. I just have mad nostalgia for it.
  • The smell of Reese’s (and most drug store chocolate candies like M&M’s etc.) is somehow better than the taste to me. Maybe I’m a super-smeller and I can detect more aromas and smells when sniffing than I can tastes and flavors when eating.
  • I have linked to the product page for the most important types of Reese’s in this article.
  • I wonder if this will show up high on the search engines for “Reese’s” searches because I’ve written Reese’s so many times!

It’s a good thing I didn’t get that job. Otherwise, I would be too tired from working to be up at 11:30 p.m. writing about the most important thing ever: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

