How Many Sun Salutations Should You Do In A Day? Find Out More

Finisher Magazine NewsDesk
Finisher Magazine
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2021

By Finisher NewsdeskFebruary 5, 2021No Comments

Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar, preferably done in sets, count as a full-body workout that also has a meditative effect on the person. Comprised of several distinct yoga postures, it is a great way to invest in your physical as well as mental health. Read on to find out more about sun salutations.

What is Sun Salutation?

Sun Salutation is a combination of about 12 different yoga postures which is why it has the effect of a complete body workout. While a regular workout or hitting the gym can sound time-consuming and hectic, Surya Namaskar yoga, on the other hand, is the best way to save time and still enjoy the benefits of a great workout.

If a good cardio workout is what you are looking for, several sets of fast-paced Sun Salutation yoga can be apt. On the contrary, if a meditative workout is on your mind, then you can opt for a relaxed pace. Further, it can also help soothe your sore muscles, give your body a good stretch and release tension.

When is the best time to do Sun Salutation?

The best time to do Surya Namaskar yoga is in the morning, on an empty stomach. An open space with good ventilation and fresh air can do wonders to your body. If you prefer working out in the evenings, there is an alternative called Moon Salutation or Chandra (moon) Namaskar. Apart from having an additional posture, the Chandra Namaskar has the same sequence as of the Sun Salutation.

What is the ideal Sun Salutation frequency?

A minimum of 12 sets is suggested unless you are a beginner. It is also important not to overdo the salutations and grow accustomed to it at your own pace. Up to 108 or more Sun Salutations can be done at one stretch once you are comfortable with the steps. The yoga steps have to be done in even sets so as to benefit both the sides of the body equally. For greater impact, it is also advised to try more intense yoga postures after the Sun Salutations. It should also be kept in mind that consistency is key. To reap the best results, you have to have a regular and consistent frequency (preferably daily).

What are the benefits of Surya Namaskar yoga?

There are several benefits of Surya Namaskar yoga, which is why it continues to be a widely followed practise. Besides improving your physical health, it can also positively impact your mental and emotional health. It is a great way to bust your stress after a long and hard day. Apart from making you fit and healthy, it can also make you more flexible and help stretch your body.

Thanks to its meditative features, a dozen set of Sun Salutations in the morning is a really good way to start off your day. It should also be noted that the flexibility in posture can only come with practice and pushing oneself too hard, in the beginning, can do more damage than help.

Sun Salutation Health Benefits

● Helps release stiffness: Opens up the flow in all major joints and muscles, simultaneously strengthening them.
● Improves spinal health: As mentioned above, by improving spinal flexibility, it refreshes the nervous system, thereby directly impacting our brain and mental health in the long-run.
● Balances left and right brain hemispheres: Since it is done on each side (right and left), it improves symmetry between two halves of our body that are connected to opposite brain centres.
● Massages solar plexus and corrects breathing: The smooth alternation between forward-bending and back-bending movements massages the solar plexus and promotes correct and deep breathing, improving lung capacity.
● Eliminates stress: The synchronized flow of muscle contraction and release eliminates physical and mental stress we tend to hold within.
● Perfect grounding technique: Wonderful grounding technique shows us our interconnection with the forces of nature, particularly the life-giving energy of the Sun.

It has to be kept in mind that just as any other significant practise requires you to get guidance from a trained and experienced teacher, yoga, or Sun Salutation is not an exception. However, if you are suffering from some certain ailments such as cardiac disorders or hernia, the Sun Salutations should be avoided. Therefore, it is best to seek out the help of a trained professional before setting out to reach your fitness goals.

