Lewis Irving
Finite Guild
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2020


An Introduction from the Editors of Finite Guild

I’m Lewis

Welcome to Finite Guild! I’m Lewis Irving and I’m a tech/interface (UI/UX) designer that’s studying as a student, alongside George at college. Games have always played a pivotal part in my life, from fulfilling my escapist needs as a kid (thanks MySims) — to eventually evolving into a viable career goal as an adult.

My interest in interface design dates back to high school (7 years lol) and maybe even further back than that. It all started when I saw a YouTube video (quote-on-quote “alleging”) that was claiming Apple’s chief designers used Microsoft Word to build their next-generation vision of a mobile operating system. That video was titled “Was iOS 7 built in Microsoft Word?”. It opened my eyes to the foundations of modern design, creative thinking, and a little bit of insight into what goes into making a neatly arranged, pretty set of icons (to the user, at least). Ever since then, I’ve started and never stopped paying attention to the inner workings of a designer.

Games interfaces are my primary focus, followed by mobile, desktop, and virtual reality based design because I find them the most interesting. Unreal Engine 4 is my engine of choice for interface implementation, Figma is my trusty prototyping tool (plus paper), and Medium is my platform.

I’m currently working on Project Vertikal, a 3D explorative platformer with a tentative release date of next year. In the meantime, you can play my debut game Finite Path (the blog’s partial namesake) here: https://gamejolt.com/games/Finite-Path/452040. I’m really proud of it! Although, I hope to go back to it someday with the wisdom I’ve picked up since. It’s a good concept for an article and, after all, Medium’s a great outlet to chart my evolution as a professional designer.

Who knows, maybe I’ll use Illustrator to create the assets for my game instead of Microsoft Word.

I’m George

Hi, my name is George Dutton and I’m a student currently studying Games Technology at university. Like many people my age, I’ve wanted to be a game developer for as long as I can remember. Games have been a consistent part of my life for years and I’ve always dreamed that my name would be in the credits of a big game one day. Eventually I decided to pick up programming, and a few years and many stressful game jams later, I ended up working as one of the coders on a small indie game: Retro Vaders Reloaded. While I’m more than pleased with how it came out, I also hope that this is just the beginning.

I met Lewis at college on the same Games Design course only a few years ago and was impressed by his keen design sense and artistic skill. So when he asked me if I wanted to start a two person blog I was more than happy to take up the offer. My articles will touch on the technical side of games development as well as the creative side among any other topics I feel are worth talking about. Regardless of the subject matter, I hope that you will find my articles equal parts helpful and entertaining to read.


This brings us to Finite Guild, our latest venture. We plan to write (weekly) articles on this blog that cover a variety of gaming topics. Gaming op-eds, anime reviews, and deep analysis are our focus here. Maybe even guides on how you can create your own games? Ultimately, we hope to stand out from the crowd with our creative, yet thought-provoking, blog posts.



Lewis Irving
Finite Guild
Editor for

A games student from Leicestershire. Likes interfaces.