Dee Hock on the organisation of the future

Finn Jackson
Finn Jackson
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2023


Dee Hock founded the Visa credit card company. To do this, he invented a new type of organisation structure that he called ‘chaordic.’

This involved a combination of chaos and order that has proved extremely successful in a changing world: VISA now now operates more than two billion credit cards in over 200 countries around the world, and in 2021 had a turnover of more than $24 billion.

In a recent article, Dee talked about what he thinks will be the successful organisation of the future.

He said:

“The organization of the future will be the embodiment of community, based on shared purpose, calling to the higher aspirations of people.”

Let’s unpack what this means.

  • “The organisation of the future will be based on shared purpose.”
    Shared purpose aligns people around a common goal or direction. This increases motivation, job satisfaction, and productivity. A 2016 survey of technology companies showed that employees at Tesla and SpaceX had the lowest paid and most stressful jobs but also the most meaningful and inspirational: their sense of purpose outweighed the higher stress and lower pay.
  • “The organisation of the future will call



Finn Jackson
Finn Jackson

Oxford physicist, Computer simulator, Strategy consultant, Corporate strategist & change agent, Author, Coach — Strategy and Leadership in times of change.