Don’t just exercise: do it outside

Finn Jackson
Finn Jackson
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2017

Chapter 1 of Inner Leadership tells us that exercise and spending time in nature are two good ways to centre and ground ourselves. For maximum benefit we might even combine the two.

Now doctors in the UK and US are increasingly writing prescriptions for outdoor activity.

There are at least 50 outdoor exercise programs in the US. The UK has several, including Boot Camps (here are the top ten) and Green Gyms that also include activities such as planting trees. Australia is specifically exploring the health and medical benefits that its national parks can bring. And the Appalachian Mountain Club is working with MassGeneral Hospital (ranked best hospital in the USA, 2015) to prescribe regular outdoor physical activity for children.

On the one hand it might seem crazy that we have forgotten to do something as simple as get out into nature and take exercise. But on the other hand it works. People who take exercise outside lose weight and feel happier.

So, as a next step, you can either choose to read more here. Or get out there this weekend!



Finn Jackson
Finn Jackson

Oxford physicist, Computer simulator, Strategy consultant, Corporate strategist & change agent, Author, Coach — Strategy and Leadership in times of change.