On Not Needing To Do Anything

Finn Thormeier
Finn’s Essays
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2019

You don’t need to do anything.

You don’t need to eat.

You could literally decide right now to stop eating.

You’ll die. But you could still make the decision to stop eating.

Accepting that you don’t need to do anything doesn’t mean that there are no consequences to your actions anymore.

It’s not about being delusional or naive. It’s about actually understanding reality‘s law of causality and how you fit into it.

You don’t need to go to work, you don’t need to care for your parents, you don’t need to go to school or college or do your homework, you don’t need to be a good citizen or do what you said you will do.

You might get fired and would have to go find a new job, you might lose your parents, get kicked out of school, or be put into prison.

It’s just whether you want to have those consequences happen.

Once you fully internalize this, you’ll be free.

