On the Importance of Being Dangerous

Finn Thormeier
Finn’s Essays
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2019

You can’t be good until you’re dangerous.

Nietzsche said that most things that we call virtue are really just cowardice.

If you don’t hurt anyone because you’re not capable of hurting anyone, you’re not a good person.

Being good means being able to do harm and choosing not to.

Being incapable to do harm because you’re too afraid or too weak, doesn’t make you good or “nice”.

It just makes you weak and scared.

So before you can be good, you need to be dangerous.

You need to be able to stand up for yourself.

You need to be able to defend yourself and others, physically and psychologically.

Then, you need to discipline that capacity for destruction and channel it towards good.

It’s good to be aggressive if you use your aggression to stand up for something good.

You want the good guys to be really really bad because they’re the same guys who’ll protect you against the bad guys.

The things that allow people to do acts of evil, are the same things channeled differently that allow other people to destroy that evil.

There is no such thing as being good while being harmless.

In Beauty and the Beast, the beauty isn’t pulled by the man in the beast, she’s pulled by the beast that can be tamed.

To be virtuous means to contain the monster within you.

And to do that, you first need to become the monster.

