Uh Oh! Goat On the Run!

She did what goats do best — escape!

Finn’s World


This isn’t my goat, but looks a lot like the escapee! Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash

Yesterday, I followed my pre-church routine.

I ate breakfast and then went to the barn to feed the goats.

I have to get the three adults and two teens outside so I can replenish their food, pick up wasted hay, refill the feeders and water, and make sure that their Timothy Grass Pellets are in the correct feeder.

Goats facts.

  • They only drink fresh water — they are water snobs.
  • They will escape if it is at all possible.
  • If there’s a weakness anywhere, they will find it and squeeze through, jump over, or chew through.

I go feed the two babies — Silvie and Blue.

Once I’ve fed everyone, given them fresh water, and opened the door to the outside pen, the adults and teens enter to fight over the pellets.

I prop two doors open, and I’m done till later.

I went to the house, showered, dressed, and Roger (my husband) and I headed for church.

On our way down near the barn, I had a feeling I needed to look and make sure all was well.



Finn’s World

I'm a writer and expert on winning my battle to live a life of encouragement, and self improvement. I love God, nature and I'm an expert on smiles and joy.