Jenkins Migration to AWS Part-2

Ankur Parashar
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2022

In the previous section we have successfully installed the Jenkins on Another machine, now it’s time to focus on our objectives.


  • Transfer all existing projects/pipelines
  • Transfer all existing plugins
  • Transfer all configuration settings: System Global Tool, Security, Nodes, Credentials

Avoid the following: Don’t go for the shortcuts like Backup Manager, GbackUp, ThinPlugin etc… since they will not work either not due to different versions or will not cover all the mentioned objectives.

Copy and Transfer Full Data:

# Zip the whole contents of JENKINS_HOME

cd /home/ubuntu

sudo su

nohup zip -r /var/lib/jenkins &

Note: To reduce the size of backup file removed the old backups form /var/lib/jenkins/backup

# Transfer the Zip file into remote machine

scp ubuntu@<REMOTE-IP>:/home/ubuntu

# Unzip and move into remote destination

ssh -i remote.pem ubuntu@<REMOTE-IP>

sudo apt-get install unzip

cd /var/lib/jenkins

sudo su

nohup unzip -q /home/ubuntu/ -d / &

# Update the ownership of all Jenkins files

sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins /var/lib/jenkins/

# Restart jenkins

sudo systemctl start jenkins

sudo systemctl status jenkins

Try opening the Jenkins from browser, all previous projects and pipelines should be visible.


  • Encrypted data like keys, passwords etc… although has been transferred but not necessary to be recovered at Remote Machine, must be updated.

Feel free to ping me for any queries.



Ankur Parashar
Editor for

Solution Architect, Developer, DevOps Enthusiast, VP @finoit, CTO, Procrastinator :)