The Philosophy of Money: Beyond Just Buying and Selling

Explore the deeper meanings of money and its impact beyond just buying things.

Ankit Jaglan
3 min readMay 1, 2024


Money is a fundamental part of our lives, influencing decisions, opportunities, and even personal happiness. But the value of money goes beyond just transactions; it holds social, psychological, and ethical implications. Engaging with these deeper aspects can help teens develop a healthy, balanced financial mindset. Let’s explore some key concepts that can enrich your understanding of money.

The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel. Credit

Understanding Money as a Tool

Money as a Means, Not an End

Money is often seen as a goal in itself, but it’s more helpful to view it as a tool that can help you achieve other goals. Whether it’s education, travel, or starting a business, money can enable these pursuits but isn’t the ultimate goal.

  • Discussion Point: Consider what personal goals you can achieve with financial resources. How does money support these goals without becoming the goal itself?

Money and Values

Your spending choices can reflect your personal values. Each purchase is not just an economic transaction but also a decision about what matters to you.

  • Discussion Point: Think about the last few things you bought. Do they reflect what’s truly important to you?

The Social Impact of Money

Economic Inequality

Money can illustrate social divisions. Economic inequality affects where people live, the education they receive, and their overall quality of life.

  • Discussion Point: How does economic inequality manifest in your community? What might be some ways to address these disparities?

The Role of Money in Relationships

Money influences relationships in many ways, from family dynamics to friendships. Open discussions about money can prevent conflicts and build stronger relationships.

  • Discussion Point: How comfortable are you talking about money with friends and family? How might these conversations change your relationships?

Psychological Aspects of Money

Money and Happiness

Research shows that while money can increase happiness up to a point (by securing basic needs), its effect lessens as income rises. Experiences and relationships often bring more lasting happiness than material goods.

  • Discussion Point: Reflect on a time when you spent money on an experience (like a concert or trip) versus when you bought a material item. How did each purchase affect your happiness?

Money and Stress

Worrying about money is a significant source of stress for many people. Learning to manage money wisely can reduce this stress, leading to better mental and physical health.

  • Discussion Point: What are some financial stressors for teens, and how can they be managed or mitigated?

Developing a Healthy Financial Mindset

Financial Literacy

Understanding how money works, including budgeting, saving, and investing, empowers you to make informed decisions.

  • Discussion Point: What are some key financial concepts every teen should know? How can you learn these skills?

Ethical Spending

Consider the impact of your spending on the environment and society. Supporting businesses that are ethical and sustainable contributes to a better world.

  • Discussion Point: How can your spending habits make a positive impact on the world?


Money is much more than currency; it’s a pivotal element in shaping life choices and personal values. By understanding the broader implications of how you earn, save, and spend, you can develop a more thoughtful and fulfilling approach to money. Encourage an ongoing discussion about these themes to foster a well-rounded financial education.

Thank you for reading! To continue your journey towards financial literacy, explore more topics in ‘Money Matters: A Teen’s Guide to Financial Freedom’ by visiting the full series.

Money Matters: A Teen's Guide to Financial Freedom

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Ankit Jaglan

Personal Banking Associate @ Bank of Montreal | IFC®, CAPM® Certified. A lifelong student. Understanding Economics, Social Issues, Finance and Management.