11 WEEKS of Arbitrum with APX Finance.

Gianni Mancini
FinTech Fun
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2024


Yup. You heard that right. 11 weeks of celebrations, gifts & opportunities…

But Gianni, 11 weeks?! That sure is a long time! I’m gonna need you to tell me a bit more… seems too good to be true!

APX Finance has some incredible developments under the hood, and in celebration of what’s to come — decided to kick it all off with a little surprise.

Come on Gianni…. I’m on the edge of my seat over here! Spill the beans!

Alright alright alright….

drumroll please 🥁

Over the next 11 weeks, traders and LPs on APX Finance, PancakeSwap Perp V2 and APX V2 DEX Engine partners will be rewarded with 525,000 $ARB tokens plus weekly $ARB bonuses from APX!


Doesn’t matter if you’re the HODL type, perpetual arbitrageur (trader), or both — there’s a chance for everyone to get a piece of the cake!

For Traders?

As part of APX’s commitment to reward trading activity on Arbitrum, They’ll be distributing $ARB tokens to APX V2 traders and PancakeSwap Perpetual V2 traders.

How to qualify:

  • Traders must a minimum 1,000 USD trading volume, then complete a few simple off-chain tasks on Galxe earning them an extra 5 $ARB tokens per week.
  • Traders have to successfully obtain that particular week’s OAT to be eligible.
  • OAT holders will be randomly selected to win 5 $ARB each, from a staggering 1,875 $ARB prize pool each week.
  • $ARB rewards will be airdropped to traders’ wallets within 7 working days after each epoch ends.

How to collect the OAT:


Stay tuned for upcoming article on more ways to earn! 🕺🕺🕺

Official Discord: https://discord.gg/fsqbZHeQRG

Official Telegram: https://t.me/apolloxchange

Official website: https://apollox-finance.gitbook.io/apollox-finance/programs/v2-arb-incentive-season-weekly-bonus-alp-staking



Gianni Mancini
FinTech Fun

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