Kellogg FinTech Trek 2019
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2020
Members of the Kellogg FinTech Trek 2019 at Betterment’s office in New York.

This year Kellogg CMC along with two student leaders, Lawrence Yen (Class of 2021) and Lana Chan (Class of 2021), organized the first-ever FinTech specific career trek to New York for the Kellogg Students. The trek visited 5 companies: Visa Innovation Studio, CommonBond, Betterment, Plaid, and OnDeck Capital. We chatted with two trek participants, Xavier Martinez (Class of 2021) and Ice Sappisarnkul (Class of 2021), to learn more about their experience.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. What were you doing prior to Kellogg? What got you interested in FinTech?

Xavier: Even though I was born in the US, I grew up and lived in Mexico for 20+ years. Before Kellogg, I worked in a MREIT (Mortgage Real Estate Investment Trust) in Mexico City as a financial analyst. Subsequently, I was granted the opportunity to lead a new business project within the fund, an online mortgage origination platform similar to “Rocket Mortgage”. This experience introduced me to FinTech and got me interested in the space. At Kellogg, I want to continue to build my understanding of the lending and payment space with the hope of working in this space after graduation.

Ice: Worked in Management Consulting in Thailand prior to Kellogg. Worked primarily with Financial Services Clients on their lending and mortgage services as well as digital payments. There, I saw first hand the impact of FinTech in transforming the Thai economy and really was drawn by this sector. Similar to Xavi, I wanted to expand my knowledge of this sector at Kellogg and particularly interested in Payments and Personal Finance.

This was the first time a fintech trek to New York was organised. Why did you choose this trek? What were your impressions?

Ice: For me, career treks, in general, are very exciting as it allows me to spend time outside Kellogg to learn about the companies first hand. Since I am interested in FinTech, it was a no-brainer as these chances are rare.

First, I really liked that the trek had a good mix of financial services products from lending (personal and SMEs), payments and personal finance. Second, I really enjoyed the group of people on the trek. We were about 9 to 10 of us with a shared interest, which formed for great conversation over the Uber and Subway rides in between company visits.

Xavi: I was interested in the trek because it was focused on the industry that I was passionate about, I wanted to further engage with the fintech community and its innovators.

My impression of the trek was superb. If I was a bit picky, I would say that a couple of companies were too big for my taste, since I’m really interested in working in a startup or a growth-stage company, but all said and done the trek was great. The trek did have a couple of companies that fit the bill…so overall, I did find it very useful and entertaining.

Were there any companies that were really memorable for you?

Xavi: Plaid really stood out for me, as the visit seemed to be even more impressive than what I had previously read about them. They have a well-thought product that solves a real problem. I was really impressed by their growth story and found the visit very illuminating.

Were there any other companies or aspects you wish the trek explored? Would you do anything differently?

Xavi: The trek accomplished several things in a short period of time, that was great! We got answers to quality questions and understood the vision of both landmark firms and up and comers. I wish I would have had more time to do comprehensive research on each firm, to try and exert all that we could from the meetings.

A company that I wish we had visited, had we had the chance, was ‘Lemonade’ (insurtech) — very impressed by what they are doing. I think it’s one of those companies that could truly revolutionize the market. It would have been fascinating to hear their story first hand, maybe next year.

Ice: I wish the trek was a little longer as the trek was just one day with 5 companies. It does take a toll towards the end of the day and energy levels go down.

How has the fintech trek helped you?

Ice: As an international student, it was a good introduction to the ecosystem here. It also pushed me to do more research about the companies here. We also got to see their passion and culture first hand, which is very helpful in evaluating a target list of companies that one might want to work for.

Xavi: Yes, it definitely gave me a better sense of the opportunities that are out there. It helped me understand the companies long-term vision within the FinTech market. Seeing these startups challenge and compete with the incumbents was really illuminating.

Would you recommend the trek to others?

Ice: Yes definitely, I would recommend people interested not just in FinTech but also in Tech, as it is an excellent introduction to how technology is changing financial markets.

Xavi: Absolutely, if you are interested in the space it’s a must. I would concur with Ice that a longer trek would make sense. It can be a real game-changer when it comes to recruiting and interviews as well.

