The New Faces of Fintech — Featuring Credit Corner

Fintech Sandbox
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2023

While we may not know exactly how fintech will impact our future, we have an idea as to who will be leading the charge. In the next installments of our ongoing blog series, “The New Faces of FinTech”, we will spotlight some of the emerging leaders in the fintech world to get their thoughts on what the future of the industry will look like.

Their origin stories are different, their paths to entrepreneurship are unique, but their impacts on their respective industries are significant. No one truly knows what the future of fintech holds, but these industry leaders may have an inkling as to what we can expect.

Our next guest is Mayank Agrawal, Founder & CEO of London-based Credit Corner, which offers a cutting-edge platform powered by OpenAI’s advanced language model. The Credit Corner platform revolutionizes financial research and decision-making for investors, providing intelligent insights and analysis to drive informed investment strategies.

Mayank Agrawal of Credit Corner
Mayank Agrawal

Mayank, tell us a little bit about your background. What were you working on before founding this company?

I am from investment banking background and founded another fintech startup prior to Credit Corner.

Tell us a bit about your company? What’s the problem you’re solving?

We’ve got something special cooking for investment professionals in the financial industry. Our platform, fueled by OpenAI, is like a trusty co-pilot, taking care of important tasks for our users:

1. Research Summarization: Our system efficiently condenses extensive research reports at company, sector, and macro levels. Users receive these summaries through platform alerts or email notifications, ensuring they stay informed with utmost efficiency.

2. Portfolio-Specific Alerts: By linking with a client’s positions, we deliver timely alerts based on research reports and market movements tailored to their specific portfolio. This personalized approach ensures they receive information most relevant to their holdings.

What’s the origin story behind your company? How and why did you come up with the idea?

I have the background on IB and financial research and the emergence of LLM based models gave an instant idea that this could be the next big thing.

What milestones has your company achieved so far?

Microsoft for Startup membership, MVP under development.

Can you describe what it’s been like to be part of the Fintech Sandbox community?

We had discussions with multiple data providers and then started testing their datasets especially from Benzinga. Now we are focusing on getting the MVP out asap.

What’s next for your company?

First paying client.

What is some of the best advice you’ve received as a startup founder?

Test the idea at earliest possible with some real clients.

We’re thrilled to feature some of the incredible entrepreneurs who are participating in our Data Access Residency. If you are aware of any fintech entrepreneurs with an early stage company who could benefit from free access to data, cloud hosting, and a supportive community, please have them visit our website to learn more.



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