FinTech Summary — Issue 102

Alex Nech
FinTech Summary
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2017

Blockchain the most overhyped, least understood and most disruptive technologies of our time

In our last newsletter, we covered some of the arguments about what a blockchain is, the differences between private or consortium-based ‘distributed ledgers,’ and open, public blockchain ecosystems, and why this distinction matters. If you want a refresher you can find it all right here.

If you need a primer check out Jamie Skella’s excellent “blockchain explanation your parents could understand.

Real-time Bitcoin transactions are now being broadcast by a group of satellites in orbit, and are freely available across two thirds of the Earth’s landmass. Blockstream

This week Elon Musk released a never before seen blooper reel of SpaceX’s failed attempts at landing the Falcon 9 rocket. Watch the videowith the sound on, and pay close attention to the subtitles.

Every one of those explosions amounts to millions of lost investor dollars, attempting a technique that no one in the industry thought was possible. In June, SpaceX completed two Falcon 9 landings in 48 hours.

Coca-Cola uses AI to invent new sodas like Cherry Sprite. A high-tech vending machine prompts the soda giant to create new drinks.

Austrian researchers have successfully built a brain reading device that allows professional composers to create their own melodies using only their thoughts. Inverse

Lazy journalists searching for interesting angles on cryptocurrencies love the story of how tulip bulbs led to a 17th century market bubble. Too bad the story isn’t true. Smithsonian

If you ever see a great story or long read I’d love if you forwarded it to me. I hunt for the best every week, but I’m the sum of my own bubble and would love to hear from you if you stumble across something that should be included here! Just hit reply anytime.

How algorithms are shaping the world

Not explicitly a product but I loved this podcast so much I just had to share it here. We all know algorithms are everywhere, but it’s easy to forget that they actually mould the world around us. This episode of 99% Invisible dives into the real world consequences of algorithms, and how their opaque nature is a growing problem.

Digital Banking

AR/VR in Banking


Originally published at FinTech Summary.

