12 Best Practices For Using Kafka In Your Architecture

Key lessons I have learned While Using Kafka

Farhad Malik


Apache Kafka, also known as Kafka, is an enterprise-level messaging and streaming broker system. Kafka is a great technology to use to architect and build real-time data pipelines and streaming applications.

I highly recommend the architects to familiarise themselves with the Kafka ecosystem, in particular on the concepts of Kafka cluster, broker, topics, partitions, consumer, producer and offsets.

Article Aim

This article will highlight 12 of the important lessons I have learned whilst using Kafka.

  1. To enable parallel processing of messages, create multiple partitions in a topic. This enables multiple consumers to process the messages in parallel. Each partition can be consumed by only one consumer within a consumer group. So, if there are multiple consumers in a consumer group, they can consume messages from different partitions. Therefore, if we want to parallelize the…



Farhad Malik

My personal blog, aiming to explain complex mathematical, financial and technological concepts in simple terms. Contact: FarhadMalik84@googlemail.com