5 Python Exercises

Best Way To Strengthen And Practice Your Python Skills

Farhad Malik


Recently, I posted an article that aimed to explain the key components of Python programming language.

I received a number of messages whereby the readers asked me to post Python exercises. I wanted to post exercises that should really help one understand how Python works. After thinking about it for some time, I have come up with 5 questions which should test your Python knowledge.

Please have a go and post your answers in the comments sections.

I want to ensure I can help you solidify your understanding of the concepts better rather than giving you questions that we can simply memorize and answer.

Here are 5 Python exercises.

For each exercise, I will also mention the topics it is intending to test. By the end of the exercise, you will feel that you have gained a much superior end-to-end understanding of the language.

Remember, there are multiple ways to peel an orange so solve the questions how you understand them. I will post the answers in an…



Farhad Malik

My personal blog, aiming to explain complex mathematical, financial and technological concepts in simple terms. Contact: FarhadMalik84@googlemail.com