Calculus — Multivariate Calculus And Machine Learning

A Must-Know Concept For Every Professional

Farhad Malik


Calculus plays a vital role in Machine Learning projects. In this article, I am going to provide:

  1. Overview Of Multivariate Calculus
  2. Multivariate Calculus Uses In Machine Learning
  3. Explanation Of Calculus In Gradient Descent

If I could go back to my school days and study one topic again, it would be calculus.

Calculus has to be one of the most fascinating mathematical concepts ever discovered. An understanding of multivariate calculus is one of the most important data science skills.

Multivariate Calculus is used everywhere in Machine Learning projects.

We are often faced with problems whereby we are attempting to predict a variable that is dependent on multiple variables. As an instance, we might want to predict the price of a stock and its price can be dependent on a number of factors such as company growth, inflation rate, interest rate and so on.



Farhad Malik

My personal blog, aiming to explain complex mathematical, financial and technological concepts in simple terms. Contact: