Understanding Value Of Correlations In Data Science Projects

Explore The Heart Of Data Science. It’s Crucial To Understand The Significance Of Calculating Correlations

Farhad Malik


Every single successful data science project revolves around finding accurate correlations between the input and target variables. However more than often, we oversee how crucial correlation analysis is. It is recommended to perform correlation analysis before and after data gathering and transformation phases of a data science project.

This article focuses on the important role correlations play in the data science projects and concentrates on the real world FinTech examples.

Lastly it explains how we can model the correlations the right way.

We Are Going To Explore The Heart Of Data Science. Understanding how important correlations are is crucial for every data scientist.

Photo by Niklas Tidbury on Unsplash

Article Aim

I will explain following three key areas:

  1. What is correlation?
  2. Why we need to understand correlations with real life…



Farhad Malik

My personal blog, aiming to explain complex mathematical, financial and technological concepts in simple terms. Contact: FarhadMalik84@googlemail.com