How Do I Predict Time Series?

Farhad Malik
Published in
11 min readJul 19, 2018


Forecasting, modelling and predicting time series is increasingly becoming popular in a number of fields. Time series prediction is all about forecasting the future. Every second a large quantity of data is stored in servers across the world. This data is invaluable and can help us predict the future.

Forecasting time series is not always a straightforward process. There is a number of techniques to build models that can estimate and forecast future time points. Subsequently, these models can help us make calculated decisions which in return can reduce risk and increase return. Additionally, building reliable and robust forecasting models are essential when predicting behaviours of market movements.

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It is crucial for us to understand how time series works so that we can accurately predict future.

What Is Covered In This Article?

Forecasting the future accurately requires a deep understanding of the current state of our target variables. My aim is to build the required knowledge in this article. It covers the basics of time series.

In particular, it provides:

  1. Explanation of what time series is
  2. What covariance stationary time series means
  3. How we characterize cycles and seasonality in time series



Farhad Malik

My personal blog, aiming to explain complex mathematical, financial and technological concepts in simple terms. Contact: