What Is Event-Driven Microservices Architecture?

Designing Modern Event-Driven Microservices Applications With Kafka And Docker Containers Suitable For All Levels

Farhad Malik


Software applications are always required to be maintained and improved. There will always be a need to implement new requirements and enhance existing features. Designing the application right is winning half the battle.

At times, existing features are required to be depreciated. Instead of creating a monolithic application that can become a maintenance nightmare, the industry is moving towards the art of building microservices. I will explain how, when and why we should opt to designing applications using the event-driven microservices architecture.

Microservices architecture is gaining popularity and is being employed in nearly all major software projects.

Most real-time software applications are based on event-driven architecture. Therefore understanding how event-driven microservices applications are designed is extremely important. We can build advanced modern applications when we combine Event-Driven Architecture with the Microservices Architecture paradigm, which are the two concepts I will explain in this article.



Farhad Malik

My personal blog, aiming to explain complex mathematical, financial and technological concepts in simple terms. Contact: FarhadMalik84@googlemail.com