Arine Baghdasaryan
Fintegro Company Inc
3 min readJul 31, 2019

Modern software development lifecycle allows developers to provide continuous integration with the ability to create and run automated tests with almost the same speed. Depending on the size of the development team, this can generate a huge amount of test results data.

By effectively presenting test results data obtained through automation, this allows for:

  • faster detection,
  • isolation and correction of errors
  • and even improved performance.

Here is what you can do to ensure effective reporting of results to your team:

Results data should not be empty.

This is the first thing to be taken as a rule: save all your test results for at least a couple of weeks or, preferably, for a month.

The recorded results of a single test run are still better than nothing, but keeping a history of all your test runs can help you make comparisons, track progress, identify regression, and even detect problems that are not always reproducible, such as memory allocation, for example.

Most importantly, storing the results allows you to analyze the data. You can find out what changes have affected the failures. By keeping the latest version number or build number using a test run, you can determine which changes caused the problem. Developers save hours of their time thanks to this.

Files and artifacts generated by automated tests, such as logs, screenshots, and performance data files, should also be stored with the results data.

Together, all these data should be easily accessible to everyone on your team throughout the entire time. Often the only way to find data is remote access to any server where they are actually stored. Do not force your team to rely on only one or two people to get this information; everyone should have access.

The bug description should be detailed enough to provide accurate information for developers, who in turn will be able to fix problems faster. An important factor is the details of the phased implementation.

Thus, even tests at the system level and integration can highlight the exact source of the problem. This is crucial if your team has a small number of unit tests (or does not have them at all).

If your tests store performance data, you can display trends to see how things progress over time. This is one of the most useful results of automated tests and data storage.

When people can see how often they pass tests, what they test, how many new tests are introduced, what existing tests have already been improved, this can increase productivity and investment in automation.

It is worth starting to display the results on the projector so that they become accessible to all.

Due to the fact that tests that were recorded in the console log with files in the temp directory on the build server, no one could access them except the developer, so no one understood the importance and value of automation.

It can also help improve the reliability of tests since constant monitoring of unreliable tests has changed the speed of passage.

Here is another tip: try to make the name of the author of the text visible. People can see who wrote the tests, who fixed the errors. You will find that releases have become better and shipped faster. Thus, as practice shows, the speed of software development as a whole may depend on the effective presentation of test results.

Proper reporting is one of the important factors in test automation. Transform your team’s automated test workflow today with effective reporting with the help of these tips. You will find you ship higher-quality releases faster.


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Arine Baghdasaryan
Fintegro Company Inc

Research Specialist at Fintegro Company Inc. Interested in QA, Startups, travelling, books and learning foreign languages ;)