Arine Baghdasaryan
Fintegro Company Inc
4 min readDec 5, 2019

Today we are going to tell you about the main Software Testing types. In fact, there are lots of them but in this article, we highlight 6 types:

  • Functional Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Localization Testing

In this Part, we pay attention to the first three types! Let’s start!


Functional Testing is a type of software testing whereby the system is tested against the functional requirements or specifications. Functional testing verifies that each function of the software application operates in conformance with the requirement specification.

In simple words: a software tester conducting functional testing based on his personal experience, documentation for the project, as well as communicating with customer representatives and his team, assumes how the user will behave and, according to this, performs the same actions while checking the application.

Such testing is carried out by functional tests, which are designed and created using test design. In another way, they are also called test cases.

Such testing is also based on knowledge of business processes. With such functional testing, the tester is generally interested in whether the user can go through the entire business scenario from beginning to end. Test cases with such testing are called user cases.

Benefits of Functional Testing

  • Imitation of a real user
  • With the right approach or many testers, large coverage of a variety of functional tests;
  • Functional testing of the software fully simulates the actual use of the system.
  • It allows timely detection of system errors of the software and, thereby, avoiding many problems when working with it in the future.
  • cost-effective due to bug fixes at an earlier stage in the software life cycle.

It is always worth remembering that it is impossible to test everything (remember 7 principles of Software Testing) and everything if you take into account the real time frame of the project, on the other hand, to carry out qualitatively functional testing in a short time and there is a manifestation of professionalism.


Performance testing is a set of testing types aimed at reconstructing user queries in the system and comparing expected results with the obtained indicators, as well as determining the speed of procedures, stability, reliability and scalability of the system as a whole. The results obtained allow us to detect vulnerabilities with application throughput, download time, processing of large amounts of data and preventing their use in the application.

Performance Testing is conducted to ensure positive answers to these questions:

  • Will the system cope with the expected daily load?
  • What is the maximum load the product can withstand?
  • How to identify bottlenecks in software performance?
  • How to avoid system failure and related losses?

Importance of Performance Testing

When you ignore performance testing before launching a product, enterprises lose a large number of users and are forced to spend significant funds on further error correction. To avoid application risks, you must check the following factors:

  • System response time
  • Unexpected loading conditions
  • System scalability
  • Custom Spike Loads
  • System stability
  • Throughput rate
  • Optimize performance.

Only after all steps are completed can you minimize performance problems and failures of your solution.


Security testing — a set of studies of a software product aimed at testing, detection, and correction of defects associated with the safety of user data, namely:

Integrity. Limiting the circle of users who have access to data, determining the degree of harm caused by the loss of certain data.

Availability. It is a requirement that resources must be available to an authorized user, internal object, or device. As a rule, the more critical the resource, the higher the level of accessibility should be.

Confidentiality. Concealment of certain resources or information. Confidentiality can be understood as restricting access to a resource of a certain category of users, or in other words, under what conditions is a user authorized to access this resource.

During testing, most often the tester plays the role of an attacker, and begins to manipulate the application in different ways:

• Attempts to find out the password using external means.

• Attack of the system using special utilities that analyze protection.

• Suppression, overwhelming the system (in the hope that it will refuse to serve other customers).

• The purposeful introduction of errors in the hope of penetrating the system during recovery.

• View unclassified data in the hope of finding a key to enter the system.

All this is necessary for everyone who decides to order pizza, and wants to be sure that the data of their card is not sent to someone else; for owners of pizzerias, who wants not to be worried that someone is able to learn how to order pizza for free through their application; and for simple developers who do not have to edit the code at 3 a.m.


You can turn to independent testing services that will help you improve the reliability, quality, functionality, and performance of your software, reduce costs and accelerate the time it takes for IT products to enter the market with the help of these types of testing.

And don’t miss a chance to let professionals provide your project with TOP-NOTCH IT Talents. I am sure that Fintegro Company Inc. corresponds to all those tips described above ;)

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Arine Baghdasaryan
Fintegro Company Inc

Research Specialist at Fintegro Company Inc. Interested in QA, Startups, travelling, books and learning foreign languages ;)