Software Solution Architect. The role of an Architect in StartUps and Midsize Companies

Arine Baghdasaryan
Fintegro Company Inc
5 min readJan 18, 2019

Software Solution Architect (SSA) is rather a new definition in IT World. The need to understand solutions architecture is growing as ‘solution architect’ becomes a popular IT title in more and more organizations. And their value to the companies is increasing every day. In this article, we will define the role of SSA particularly in StartUps and Midsize Companies.

To make things clear, let’s start with a definition of Solution Architecture.

According to Forrester Research, solution architecture is one of the key methods, by which enterprise architecture delivers value to the organization. Solution architecture activities take place during solution ideation, solution design, and solution implementation. During ideation, solution architecture establishes the complete business context for the solution and defines the vision and requirements for the solution. During design, solution architecture elaborates potential options, which may include RFIs, RFPs or prototype development. It selects the most optimal option and develops the roadmap for the selected solution. During implementation, solution architecture communicates the architecture to the stakeholders and guides the implementation team. Of course, all of these activities are held by someone. In our case, this “someone” is Solution Architect.

Who is a Solution Architect?

A Solution Architect is a specialist who decides how the information system of an organization will look as a whole and in details. The main goal of the architect in the company is to provide a solution to business problems using information technology. Moreover, he must not only form a solution but also control the accuracy of its implementation. Also, these specialists are engaged in the development, creation, and maintenance of the structure of software, production environment, staging and testing procedures a separate module in the program. They work out architectural patterns, scenarios of the interaction of components, choose the means of execution, determine the format of data storage and transmission.

StartUps and Software Solution Architects

Want your Startup to succeed? It is time to hire a Software Solution Architect! A solution architect in startups gets to participate in the entire lifespan of a software project, all the way from sales to go-live and support. He is, in fact, an indispensable assistant of CTO, who helps the CTO to design products and all the processes.

Initially, for SA it is important to create a strategy for the product which will be best-suited here and now. His main issue is to provide a high-quality and correct product. And creating such a product that will satisfy all the requirements of the system. He is in charge of choosing the framework, language, infrastructure and technology stack.

Stages of the architecture process:

Involvement of business -> Involvement of engineers -> Prototyping (MVP) -> Choice of architectural style and technological stack (microservices, monolith, SOA) -> Development of an architecture draft -> Demonstration to the client -> Design solution -> Documentation of the architectural solution -> Architectural supervision

At first, SA needs to collect business requirements. In order to attract investors and to market the project, SA shape and create the architecture of the product, which is reliable and secure and scalable. In the concept of this architecture the MVP, which includes the most important functionality, is created.

In deciding and choosing architectural styles and patterns (Data-flow styles, Replication styles, Hierarchical styles, etc.) SA tries to involve different “sides” — developers, security, exploitation.

In the development of the architecture draft, all layers of the architecture need to be shown: business, security, technology. SA helps to employ specialists in each of the areas who will work all it out in detail. Then the architect consolidates this and discusses it with stakeholders. After that prototype is demonstrated to the client and the decision is made to start the project (best-case scenario).

If the project starts, a detailed design is performed and the architecture is provided in more details and SA does architecture documentation. Next, development starts and, as in the development, some moments change and evolve, you need to update the documentation and check what they do according to the architecture. Solution Architecture should supervise if a single approach for the organization of solution is followed.

To sum up, Solution Architect generally refers to the process and art of developing solutions that fit within the business requirements in terms of systems portfolios, information architecture, integration requirements and so on. He helps to shape the core architecture of the project and successfully to market it. Without a doubt, the chance of success with Software Architecture in your team is increasing several times.

Midsize companies and Software Solution Architect

Processes and systems that were appropriate at the early stages of the company development can be not as appropriate and efficient as the company grows. And guess who, at best, is in charge of designing and creating the redress for this ineffectiveness? Solution Architect.

If the system does not satisfy the current business requirements, SA comes to help. They develop visions that may involve a mix of technological changes as well as non-material solutions such as modifications to processes or procedures. They are ultimately responsible for the vision that underlies the solution and the execution of that vision into the solution.

Solution Architects focus on:

  • how technology can be used to solve a given business problem
  • which framework, platform, or tech-stack can be used to create a solution
  • how the application will look, what the modules will be, and how they interact with each other
  • how things will scale for the future and how they will be maintained
  • figuring out the risk in third-party frameworks/platforms
  • finding a solution to a business problem

Looking from the technological point of view, the Software Solution Architect is a subject matter expert who analyzes user needs and designs computer and network systems to allow developers to implement technological solutions for business applications in a secure manner. The Architect prepares program specifications and security requirements, codes, tests, and debugs computer applications. With full technical knowledge of programming and analysis, the Architect will instruct, direct, and review the work of software developers.

And that will lead you to success :)

All in all, a Solution Architect works with Project Manager or (if there is no PM) with Sales and Marketing Department in order to define the most “important” functionality/behavior for customers and at the same time to ensure flexibility, stability and, scalability of the system. He provides solutions that help to reduce the costs of the company taking into account all the existing technical and human resources in the company.

We at Fintegro Company Inc. can easily provide your company with the services of Software Solution Architect and make your business efficient and successful. If you are interested, feel free to contact us :) And keep tuned for our updates, there are more interesting and useful articles to come!

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Arine Baghdasaryan
Fintegro Company Inc

Research Specialist at Fintegro Company Inc. Interested in QA, Startups, travelling, books and learning foreign languages ;)