Arine Baghdasaryan
Fintegro Company Inc
3 min readJun 27, 2019

We all know that testing is an integral part of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). However, the reason that many companies suffer setbacks is the fact that they consider testing to be a separate stage, not a process.

The approach when testing is considered only as one of the many stages in the development process, the implementation of critical business objectives suffers. Companies are trying to bring together all types of testing and test the product in all areas at the final stage. The possibility of breaking the deadline and other factors are proof that testing should be gradual. A product that has not been fully tested before release, in turn, cannot be completely stable. In most cases, there will be doubts about its safety, performance, and functionality, and there are reasons for such doubts!

What can companies do to improve the testing process?

The answer is actually quite simple. Instead of overloading testers with checks prior to product release, you should plan to test in advance. While planning the stages of software development, it is necessary to determine the types of tests, the periods of their execution and the human resource necessary for this. With this approach, errors will be in the early stages, which will speed up their elimination and facilitate the elimination process itself.

In such a way, considering testing as a process that lasts during the entire development cycle, rather than as a single (!) phase, can increase the quality of a product a lot.

Based on the experience of many projects, testing can be performed in any of the stages of SDLC:

  • Collection and validation of requirements: the main focus of this phase is the collection of business requirements: who, what and how. Having received and analyzed the requirements, having drawn up the technical documentation, we can be sure that the output will be the product that we wanted and not any other.
  • Design: Based on the specification, the layout of future software is built. Compiled test plan and strategy at this stage will help to get high-quality software as a result. Testing and analyzing the architecture of the project will allow you to create the necessary sequence of tests in the software.
  • Development itself: at this stage unit tests and regression tests play an important role. They allow you to catch bugs in the application at an early stage and fix them quickly.
  • Deployment: you may need, for example, automated Smoke tests. When you deploy an application and until it is available to a wide audience of users, you need to finally make sure that everything is stable.

So what have we just figured out? Testing the application, software and etc. during the entire SDLC, a stable and stable application is obtained as a result. Elimination of bugs, defects, and other mess, in turn, will be the least labor-intensive.

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Arine Baghdasaryan
Fintegro Company Inc

Research Specialist at Fintegro Company Inc. Interested in QA, Startups, travelling, books and learning foreign languages ;)