Blockchain: The Technology Transforming Digital Transactions

Sara Mohammed
The Finterra Publication
2 min readDec 26, 2018


Cryptocurrencies led blockchain into the realm of business transactions, showing that the technology goes beyond crypto applications. Experts have applied blockchain in a variety of industries such as governments, banking, healthcare, agriculture and more. The strengths of this blockchain technology seem to expand with every new use case introduced. Blockchain technology may have gained popularity for powering cryptocurrencies but now they have the potential for far more, for instance, in creating blockchain-powered governments.

Major Differences Between Blockchain and Traditional Transactions

Crowdsales and different projects are transforming the way transactions are made in real time. With traditional transactions, the chances of fraud or/and error are higher because all parties involved have their own ledger. Compared to how blockchain operates, traditional transactions are inherently inefficient. On a blockchain, all parties involved can see all details of a transaction. Each party have access to information on a need-to-know basis and need to reach consensus. Not to mention, all transactions are permanently recorded.

Developers of the early internet were more concerned with network connectivity than real time transactions and high security. Technological innovations are underway. The digital age has not fully matured yet, a fact that has only become clearer with the biggest tech scandals, for example, the Facebook scandals. Blockchain speaks to the next digital jump by leveraging the world’s already-established digital network.

Decentralised and trustless data makes for effective transactions. This can get rid of powerful mediators that control data, putting their own agendas before people who possess the data. It also effectively utilises developers’ time and enables a greater range of clients to jump on the blockchain bandwagon. If you thought innovation progressed rapidly with the coming of the Internet, wait until people and businesses understand the full capabilities of the blockchain technology.

Advantages of Utilising Blockchain

At this moment, there are a considerable number of blockchain projects in motion, with interoperability being an essential aspect of such projects. Innovative and smart developers are understanding the advantages of creating compatibility pathways. Blockchain technology by its nature is free, developed in an open source environment, allowing for others to build on existing projects or adapt the programming developed, for their own use, thus helping blockchain technology expand exponentially.

Centralised data is bolted away and requires consent from a large administrative organization that despite being digitally centred is controlled by legislation. Free flow of data does not require administrative ownership, as digital records and extensive distribution guarantees security. By optimising transactions and making it easier to explore new opportunities, blockchain helps businesses build more efficient business models. Facilitating transactions with suppliers, partners and customers streamline processes and transactions, thus reducing costs. This is the world GALLACTIC is building, one block of trust at once.

