Islamic FinTech – An Evolution, or a Revolution!

The Finterra Publication
6 min readJan 13, 2024


Islamic FinTech is a branch of financial technology that focuses on developing innovative digital solutions for the financial needs of the Global Muslim community, while adhering to the principles of Islamic finance. Islamic finance is a system of finance that operates in accordance with the principles of Islamic law (Shariah), which prohibits interest-based transactions (riba), speculative or unethical investments, and any activities deemed harmful to society or the environment.

Islamic FinTech seeks to provide financial services that are compliant with Islamic principles, while leveraging the power of technology to make financial transactions more efficient, convenient, and accessible. Some examples of Islamic FinTech solutions include digital payment platforms that enable cashless transactions in compliance with Islamic law, crowdfunding platforms that facilitate Shariah-compliant investments, robo-advisory services that offer investment advice based on Islamic principles, and blockchain-based solutions that provide greater transparency and security in Islamic finance transactions.

Overall, Islamic FinTech is a growing industry that aims to address the unique financial needs of the Muslim community, while also promoting financial inclusion and social responsibility.

Conventional FinTech and Islamic FinTech differ in several ways, mainly due to the distinct principles and regulations governing their operations. Some key differences are:

Compliance with Shariah Principles: Islamic FinTech platforms must adhere to the principles of Islamic law (Shariah) when designing and delivering their products and services. This means that any financial transactions conducted through Islamic FinTech platforms must comply with Islamic principles, such as the prohibition of interest-based transactions (riba), speculation, and unethical investments.

Target Audience: Conventional FinTech platforms cater to a broader audience, while Islamic FinTech focuses on serving the specific financial needs of the Muslim community. Islamic FinTech platforms aim to provide Shariah-compliant solutions for Muslims seeking financial products and services that align with their religious beliefs.

Ethical Considerations: Islamic FinTech platforms prioritize ethical considerations when designing their products and services. For example, they may avoid investing in industries that are considered harmful to society or the environment, such as tobacco, gambling, or weapons.

Regulatory Framework: Islamic FinTech is subject to a specific set of regulatory frameworks that govern the operations of Islamic financial institutions. This includes Shariah supervisory boards that oversee compliance with Islamic principles and regulations, as well as regulatory bodies that oversee the overall operations of Islamic FinTech platforms.

Product Offerings: Islamic FinTech platforms offer a range of Shariah-compliant financial products and services that are tailored to the specific needs of the Muslim community. These include digital payment solutions, investment platforms, crowdfunding, and robo-advisory services, among others.

Both conventional FinTech and Islamic FinTech share similarities in their use of technology to provide innovative financial solutions, Islamic FinTech operates within a specific ethical and regulatory framework that distinguishes it from conventional FinTech.

There are many companies that are offering Islamic FinTech services across different regions. Some of the notable companies offering Islamic FinTech services include:

Wahed Invest: A US-based robo-advisory platform that provides Shariah-compliant investment solutions to clients.

FINTERRA: A Singapore-based technology company, developing blockchain based FinTech, and Islamic FinTech platforms in the space of Crowdfunding, E-Wallets, Microfinance, Wealth Management, Charity & Endowment Management.

Zoya: A US-based app that helps consumers find Shariah-compliant financial products and services.

HAL CAPITAL: An Kenya and Oman based B2B microfinance platform that provides Shariah-compliant (Murabaha) financing solutions.

Alinma Bank: A Saudi Arabian bank that offers a range of Shariah-compliant digital banking services.

SalamWeb: A Malaysia-based web browser that provides a Shariah-compliant internet experience.

Amanah Finance: A UK-based company that provides Shariah-compliant home financing solutions.

Finocracy: A UAE-based company that provides Shariah-compliant robo-advisory services.

HalalZilla: A Malaysia-based app that helps users find halal-certified restaurants and products.

Tazapay: A Singapore-based digital payment platform that provides Shariah-compliant payment solutions.

These are just a few examples of the companies offering Islamic FinTech services. The industry is constantly growing, and new players are emerging in different regions, offering innovative solutions that cater to the unique financial needs of the Muslim community.

The adoption of Islamic FinTech has been steadily increasing globally, reflecting the growing demand for Shariah-compliant financial products and services. Some indicators of the success and adoption of Islamic FinTech include:

Growing Market Size: The global Islamic finance industry is estimated to be worth over $2 trillion, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 5%. This represents a significant market opportunity for Islamic FinTech companies to tap into.

Increasing Investment: Islamic FinTech companies are attracting increasing investment from venture capitalists, angel investors, and other sources of funding. This indicates a growing recognition of the potential of Islamic FinTech to disrupt the traditional financial industry and offer innovative solutions to meet the needs of the Muslim community.

Government Support: Governments in Muslim-majority countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia are actively promoting the growth of Islamic FinTech, providing regulatory support and funding to help the industry flourish.

Rise of Islamic Banking: Islamic banking, which is a key component of the Islamic finance industry, is also growing globally. Many Islamic FinTech companies are partnering with Islamic banks to provide innovative digital solutions to their customers.

Consumer Demand: There is a growing demand from Muslim consumers for Shariah-compliant financial products and services that align with their religious beliefs and ethical values. This is driving the adoption of Islamic FinTech solutions across different regions.

The success and adoption of Islamic FinTech is evident from the growing market size, increasing investment, government support, and consumer demand. As the industry continues to evolve and innovate, we can expect to see further growth and adoption of Islamic FinTech solutions globally.

While Islamic FinTech is a growing industry with many opportunities, there are also several key challenges that companies operating in this space face. These challenges include:

Regulatory Compliance: Islamic FinTech companies need to comply with the specific regulations and guidelines governing Shariah-compliant financial products and services. This requires the expertise of Shariah scholars and can be time-consuming and costly.

Lack of Standardization: There is currently no globally accepted standard for Shariah compliance, which can make it challenging for Islamic FinTech companies to operate in different regions and attract a diverse customer base.

Education and Awareness: Islamic FinTech companies need to educate their customers about the principles of Islamic finance and how their products and services are Shariah-compliant. This can be challenging, especially in regions where the awareness of Islamic finance is low.

Technology Infrastructure: Islamic FinTech companies need to invest in technology infrastructure to ensure that their platforms are secure, reliable, and can scale to meet the needs of their growing customer base.

Access to Funding: While Islamic FinTech companies are attracting increasing investment, access to funding can still be a challenge, especially for startups in the early stages of growth.

Competition: Islamic FinTech companies are competing against both traditional financial institutions and conventional FinTech companies. This means that they need to differentiate themselves by offering unique value propositions and innovative solutions.

While Islamic FinTech companies face several challenges, the growing demand for Shariah-compliant financial products and services, along with the increasing support from governments and investors, presents significant opportunities for the industry to grow and innovate.

The future of Islamic FinTech companies looks promising, as the industry continues to grow and evolve. Here are some of the key trends and developments that we can expect to see in the future of Islamic FinTech:

Innovation and Disruption: Islamic FinTech companies will continue to innovate and disrupt the traditional financial industry by offering unique value propositions and solutions that cater to the needs of the Muslim community.

Increasing Adoption: As awareness of Islamic finance and Shariah-compliant financial products and services grows, we can expect to see increasing adoption of Islamic FinTech solutions, both in Muslim-majority countries and in regions with significant Muslim populations.

Regulatory Support: Governments in Muslim-majority countries will continue to provide regulatory support for Islamic FinTech, which will help to create a more favorable business environment and promote the growth of the industry.

Investment and Funding: Islamic FinTech companies will continue to attract increasing investment and funding from venture capitalists, angel investors, and other sources of funding, which will help to fuel innovation and growth in the industry.

Partnership with Traditional Financial Institutions: Islamic FinTech companies will increasingly partner with traditional financial institutions, such as Islamic banks, to provide innovative digital solutions that complement their existing products and services.

Global Expansion: Islamic FinTech companies will expand their operations globally, tapping into new markets and demographics, and offering Shariah-compliant financial products and services to customers around the world.

Future of Islamic FinTech looks bright, as the industry continues to grow and innovate, driven by the increasing demand for Shariah-compliant financial products and services, government support, and investment from venture capitalists and other sources of funding.



The Finterra Publication

Finterra is a blockchain based financial service platform designed for you to harness all of your financial power into a seamless, integrated environment.