FintruX Network Token Sale Registration

FintruX Team
FintruX Network
Published in
7 min readNov 17, 2017


  • Token Sale will start on Feb 7th 2018 at 17:00 UTC at 5% bonus for early contributors
  • We will NEVER post our Ethereum wallet address to request for early contribution
  • Registration link is Please bookmark it
  • Please note that we will NEVER ask you to send ETH in the emails.
  • Registration will continue until the end of the token sale, but are strongly advised to register early, because depending on individuals, some KYC cases might take longer to process.
  • Restricted countries are listed in our crowdsale terms— however, pending the legal landscape, this list may change. Please register anyways — we will notify you if you are eligible to participate in the whitelist

The required information collected during the registration process allows us to:

  1. Meet Know Your Customer, Anti Money Laundering, counter-terrorist-financing compliance needs; and
  2. It allows our team to better understand our token holders and manage risks prudently.

If you should have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us on:


Support Email:

Important Details

What will you need during the registration process?

Your ID Document:

  • Government Issued Passport;
  • or Drivers Licence;
  • or National ID.
  • A camera or a smartphone to take a selfie with your passport
  • Your Public Ethereum Address

Important information

  • The FintruX token sale is an event during which participants can purchase FintruX token, “FTX.” Who should purchase FTX? Companies that wish to be borrowers, accredited investors and financial institutions that want to lend in the FintruX ecosystem.
  • Ether, “ETH,” will be the only acceptable form of payment in the token distribution event. During registration, you will be asked to enter the address of the Ethereum wallet you will use for the token event.
  • As part of registration, we will be collecting information with the aim of verifying KYC (“know-your-customer”) for every participant and running the data against AML (“anti-money-laundering”) and CTF (“counter-terrorist-financing”) databases.
  • Any attempts to send ETH from a different address or directly from an exchange (such as Coinbase, Kraken, Poloniex, etc.) during the distribution event will result in an inability to purchase FintruX token (“FTX”) and your ETH may be permanently lost.
  • Be aware of scam websites or phishing emails attempting to obtain sensitive information such as password or ETH address.
  • The FintruX token sale occurs only on the domain and all email communications are sent from the sending domain “”
  • Important: FintruX Network never requests or sends any sensitive information via email.

How do I register?

Step 1: Visit registration site

During the registration period, you should go to

Step 2: Create Account

In the registration page you will be asked to login or create an account. Please follow the steps to create an account, and check your email for the confirmation link.

Step 3: Click the link in your email to activate your account

This email may be in your junk folder or spam. If you have not received an email within 10 minutes, please click ‘Password Help’ at and fill in your email address.

Once you have clicked the link to activate your account, you will be prompted to create a password to ensure the security of the account.

Also, in the case where you are requested to re-submit particulars during the registration due to faulty information (for example, one digit in your passport number is different from the number in the passport image), you may do so via the unique account that is set up on the portal.

Step 4: Enter Wallet Information

After the account is set up, you will be asked to provide an Ethereum wallet address and your personal details.

The Ethereum wallet address must be an account that you control (i.e. you have access to the private key of the wallet). Examples of wallets that are appropriate for the token sale include MyEtherWallet, imToken, Ledger, Trezor, etc.

Wallets from exchanges such as Coinbase, Poloniex, Kraken, etc. will not be accepted. You will use the same address to contribute your Ether to FintruX’s smart contract address during the token sale later, and a corresponding amount of FTX will be sent to this address.

Note: please DO NOT submit a wallet address from an exchange

Step 5: Personal details

After the submission of the Ethereum wallet address, you will be asked to input your personal details. The mandatory fields are:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Nationality
  • Country of Residence
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Identification Type
  • Identification

If you are a national of a country that does not allow participation in the crowdsale as a resident, we will ask for the following to confirm your residency is in an eligible country:

  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip/Postal Code

You can enter your names in your native language, as long as it matches the name in your identity document.

The documents accepted for registration are:

A. Government issued Passport

B. National ID card

C. Drivers Licence

The documents accepted for each particular nationality is detailed in this spreadsheet.

Step 6: Identity documents

After filling your personal details you will be asked to provide identity documents in the form of

1) a high quality image of the document in gif, png, jpg, or jpeg format; and

2) a high quality selfie picture of you holding the same document.

Note: the document must contain the characters of your name and they have to match the name input in Step 5.

Step 7: Terms and Conditions

After filling your personal details and uploading your documents you must confirm that

1) All the information you have entered is true and complete

2) You act on your own behalf, unless you have notified us in writing

3) You have accepted the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

4) You accept the crowdsale terms

Please spend time to carefully read the disclosure documents. If need to, you can always return to the registration system at a later time, after you have read through the terms thoroughly and your doubts clarified.

Step 8: Submit + status

Prior to submission, you need to check and confirm that the information and verification document are accurate. Each submission is subjected to an automated-online check and a manual verification check.

After submission, you will receive a email from FintruX to confirm your registration submission, which also contains the status of your registration.

The KYC check will take sometime, and in between the submission and outcome, the status is either “Waiting for Review”, which denotes that the submission is in review, problem with submission, suggesting there are some problems with your details, or accepted, meaning that you are successfully cleared to participate in the sale. Upon status changes, you will receive an email.

As mentioned earlier, you can log in anytime to to check the status of your KYC check and verify your information as true. If at any time you realize that you may have made an error in your submission, please email with your ETH address, First Name, and Last Name and your problem.

However, if your status is ‘Problem with Submission’, please log in to to edit your information as specified in our email and resubmit.

About the KYC process

The KYC process comprises of three parts, in the following order:

1. Manual
We manually verify that the information you provide matches the identification document photos that you submit.

2. Automated
Your details, as provided by you, will be checked against public sanctions and alert lists. This step will be performed by a KYC solution firm based in Singapore. Please read more about Cynopsis Solutions on our blog post.

3. Manual
We manually verify that the risk level generated by Cynopsis is satisfactory for eligibility in our crowdsale, and approve/decline the submission.

Delay in confirmation of registration

If we experience a heavy influx of users, processing times for verification could slow down. It does not necessarily mean there is something wrong with your submission. Please be patient, as we would contact you if your KYC information was approved or if there is something wrong with the information you have provided. Make sure to monitor the email associated with your FintruX Network registration submission to see if you’ve received an email from us about verification.

You should take these precautions:

1. Bookmark the registration, and never visit the registration site from any email links.

2. Never trust emails related to sales particulars (hard cap, Ethereum address to send to etc.) that you receive, because a sender email address can be easily faked.

3. Perform all your operations only on our website. You can check your registration status on our website via your account.


We take reasonable steps to protect the security of the information communicated through our Website. However, no computer security system is entirely foolproof and the Internet is not a secure method of transmitting information. As a result, we do not assume any responsibility for the data you submit to or receive from us through the Internet or for any unauthorized access or use of that information and we cannot and do not guarantee that information communicated by you to us or sent to you by us will be received or that it will not be altered before or after its transmission to us.

FintruX Network does not accept any liability or loss of property resulting from participating in the FTX token sale. Purchasing, holding or using cryptographic tokens carries significant potential financial, regulatory and other risks, including potential loss of the entire value of ETH sent.

About us: FintruX Network is the global P2P lending ecosystem powered by blockchain and no-code development. FintruX facilitates marketplace lending in a true peer-to-peer network to ease the cash-flow issues of SMEs that typically face challenges getting loan financing, such as startup companies.

Find us on our: Website ; Twitter ; Facebook ; Reddit; LinkedIn

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