Tuesday Team Talks №22

Five Trends in Blockchain To Be Excited About In The New Year

FintruX Team
FintruX Network
5 min readJan 29, 2019


Dear Community,

In this week’s Tuesday Team Talks, we feature an article from Conrad Lin, Co-Founder of FintruX Network that was featured in the inaugural NCFA Blockchain & Fintech CONFIDENTIAL pop-up magazine.

In the past year, we have seen a lot of interest and careful, calculated advances being made in blockchain applications across industries. Blockchain today is proving to be a viable technology for decentralizing every industry resulting in better efficiency and security.

Blockchain was born as the digital framework for cryptocurrency transactions, but many fintech enthusiasts prioritized the speculation of trading cryptocurrencies over the technology that powered it. With the markets experiencing a downturn, we have the opportunity to shift our focus to innovative cases that utilize the technology.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain technology is a digital database where its information is stored across computers linked to one another. It is decentralized and distributed which makes it nearly impossible to alter without detection. An example of distributed ledger technology, blockchain technology ensures transparency and security of data, empowering peer-to-peer transactions.

Outlook for Blockchain Technology in 2019

According to a recent Forrester research article, there is a real risk of experiencing a ‘blockchain winter’ in 2019 as many promised because groundbreaking applications of blockchain technology have not yet reached the masses. In addition, the bear market has always caused many retail investors to lose faith in the technology as a whole. However, cryptocurrency is only part of the picture, and in my opinion, a considerably small part of the equation.

The technology is powerful. There is a lot of push towards using this ubiquitous technology to develop sustainable and scalable solutions across industries which will surely be worth the wait.

Here’s what we can look out for in 2019 :

  1. Payments: Cross border payments using blockchain is an innovation that is bound to change the way we carry out financial transactions across the globe. The current process of initiating and setting up international payments involve multiple steps, intermediaries, multiple currencies and is subject to high transaction fees and regulatory constraints. Blockchain technology speeds up and simplifies this process, cutting out many of the traditional middlemen. At the same time, making payment transfers more affordable. Companies like Ripple,working with Japanese banks, are creating applications based on blockchain to create efficient, instant cash transfers around the clock. Payment innovations using blockchain are also being taken up by credit card companies like Mastercard, Visa and American Express in addition to financial institutions like the Bank of America which has taken out 43 patents on blockchain technology.
  2. Unlocking Liquidity: Decentralized lending based on the blockchain have opened up an alternative financing mode for both individuals and small and medium enterprises. With limited access to credit and credit scores, blockchain based lending can make the whole process seamless and efficient. Borrowers can access competitive financing from any part of the globe, while lenders can use smart contracts to validate transactions. This model of financing though, is still in its infancy, and one has to be cautious of scrupulous organizations that are acting as rogue banks. FintruX Network is currently building a transparent financing ecosystem where transparency, risk reduction, and efficiency is maximized and all participants win. According to a Transparency Market Research report, the global peer to peer lending market will aim to cater to not just small business loans but also consumer credit loans, student loans and real estate loans in the near future, unleashing greater opportunities for those in need.
  3. Privacy: With the growing prevalence of data breaches and the massively interconnected world we live in, blockchain technology will be a game changer in this role as it provides a robust, incorruptible and encrypted recordkeeping that can be easily verified. The hashing feature of blockchain technology is one of the underlying qualities that make it suitable for privacy and security. Public ledgers and smart contracts can help iron out security and privacy issues in industries ranging from healthcare to education and can also be effectively utilized by the government. Estonia is a country that has initiated e-residency allowing their citizens to record data on a blockchain.
  4. Artificial Intelligence: The trustworthiness and security of blockchains infinitely increases the effectiveness of AI as it is granted more accurate data, models and actions. There is also an increase in accessibility to data as the information is available in public domain. The powerful trifecta of Big Data, AI and Blockchain technology will help in building better AI models which can then be effectively utilized for applications in industries like retail, healthcare and pharma, gaming, manufacturing, customer service, automotive and even agriculture.
  5. Internet of Things: Blockchain provides a secure and scalable framework for communication between the growing number of connected devices in our homes and offices. Due to its distributed nature, blockchain can also allow smart devices to make automated micro-transactions with cryptocurrency or token technology by leveraging smart contracts. Some companies working on this technology include SatoshiPay and IOTA.

Blockchain adoption and use cases are growing daily, and possibilities for innovation are endless. This technology will stimulate new solutions, enabling businesses to rethink their processes to maximize the benefits of utilizing distributed ledgers. I look forward to successful implementation of the technology in the year to come.

  • Authored by Conrad Lin, Co-Founder of FintruX Network

About Conrad Lin:

Conrad Lin is a young and dynamic entrepreneur, public speaker, and influencer with a background in Neuroscience and Psychology from the University of Toronto. He is a proven expert in business analysis, social media growth, global marketing strategy, project management, and product development with a specialty in DLT (distributed ledger technologies).

Conrad excels at managing teams and delivering phenomenal results in a short amount of time, often fulfilling multiple roles in an organization. Conrad dedicates his efforts towards initiatives that impact the world positively and benefits the global community. He is often invited to speak at key fintech events around the world to share his innovative ideas and achievements with industry professionals.

Official Twitter: @cryptolin

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/conradlin

