Even with your eyes closed, the bombs are still dropping. Confronting Russia’s Murders of Ukrainian Civilians and a Call to Action.

Margo Roi
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2024

FinUA has been very clear on this since day one: we are against any form of terrorism. It hurts us that two and a half years later we still have to observe innocent people in Ukraine die.

Nowadays, bombs are being dropped on Ukrainians every 48 hours. And we get it, you might be tired of reading these headlines, but so are the people watching their lives, families, and country destroyed. We cannot and we must not look the other way while these atrocities continue in Ukraine. According to recently published Reuters data on global media, 40% of people worldwide are trying to avoid news because of the Russian war on Ukraine. As people turn to social media as an escape from the atrocities around the world, it becomes harder and harder to keep the one message alive that matters: “We need your help.”

The systematic death of Ukrainian civilians at the hands of Russian military aggression demands our urgent attention and a unified response from the international community. From the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, innocent civilians have felt the relentless missile strikes and drone attacks. They are intentionally targeting Ukrainian civilian infrastructure and continually violate international humanitarian law. We must never let Putin hide the ruthless nature he has turned his military into.

In the 21st century, lives are being lost simply because of one’s nationality. Women, babies, and the elderly are among the countless victims of Russian drones, showing the true nature of the attacks. Putin’s genocide is nothing new and it is aimed at scaring and demoralizing innocent Ukrainian civilians.

According to the United Nations, a staggering 10,378 civilian deaths and 19,632 injuries are increasing every single day. These are not just numbers; they represent the shattered lives and families torn apart by senseless violence. Ukraine continues to pay a terrible price for the pursuit of peace and security in Europe.

The urgency of the situation demands a multifaceted response. It is imperative that we confront the terrorist state of Russia with unwavering strength and unity. This includes using strategic weapons, imposing hurtful sanctions, and ensuring total isolation of this story’s villain.

Furthermore, Ukraine urgently requires additional weaponry and advanced air defense systems to help its defenses against further assaults. The recognition of Russia as a terrorist state by the parliaments of Western nations is not just a symbolic gesture but a necessary step towards holding the aggressor accountable for its heinous actions.

As English speakers in Finland and around the world, we must stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine in their fight for peace, freedom, and justice. It is only through decisive action and unwavering solidarity that we can slow the wave of terror and restore hope to the victims in Ukraine.

