FinWhaleX: liquidity provider

Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2019

As you know, the core of our platform is the creation of functionality for easy and quick access to financial instruments anywhere in the world for individuals and legal entities. We want everyone to have the opportunity to receive credit funds for any needs when it is necessary.

However, this is only one of the areas in which our P2P platform works, we set ourselves a much more ambitious task: to implement the project as a PaaS (Platform as a Service) for crypto-exchanges. FinWhaleX — will become a liquidity provider to ensure margin trading.

How will it work?

We create a special financial environment for exchanges, which is beneficial to all market players. The partner exchange will be able to quickly provide a functional solution, thanks to which its users will have access to additional features, to the rapid sale/purchase of an asset. And the exchange will instantly increase the number of its users and transactions on the platform, without much cost and effort. As a result, the increase in trade turnover and fees. At the same time, the exchange will be able to calmly concentrate on its own tasks of organizing trades.

What will the user get?

Access to additional liquidity is an opportunity for exchange users to diversify the range of their trading strategies. How does it work on our platform? The user will be able to increase his / her trading account balance based on their risk profile on FinWhaleX, personal preferences for lenders and/or the amount of collateral.

For example, it can increase the size of an open position or diversify it, or hedge a position with another financial instrument.

Now FinWhaleX team has already signed agreements with some market participants and is negotiating with leading Asian exchanges.

Stay tuned! This is just the beginning




FinWhaleX is a P2P credit platform that provides access to loans anywhere and at any time based on blockchain technology, machine learning and Big Data.