Get Started with the FIO Protocol (with a special offer)

FIO Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2020

Usability has long plagued the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Anyone who has attempted to utilize these technologies for any user-facing application has hit a seemingly insurmountable wall of difficult UX.

At the root of many issues is the punishing irreversibility of making any mistake.

  • Sent tokens to the wrong public address? Your funds are likely gone forever.
  • Accidentally sent the wrong amount? There’s no refund system inherent to blockchain protocols.

The situation is so bad that it is assumed that a new user will make a mistake, so every blockchain company has to have complicated onboarding processes to warn users of all the potential pitfalls.

Where the FIO Protocol Comes In

The FIO Protocol’s goal is to make crypto products easier, so anyone can use them.

If you are responsible for building a blockchain application (whether consumer-facing or as an internal enterprise app), or if you’re a community advocate for a specific blockchain’s token or coin, the FIO Protocol is here to make your users’ lives easier.

The FIO Protocol can be used to solve three key issues:

  1. Public address management — with a FIO Crypto Handle (formerly known as a FIO Address; formatted as username@domain), your users not only never have to use public addresses, they never have to learn what a public address is in the first place.
  2. Easy request functionality — a FIO Request is an in-application request for funds, which include all the information about the request, so the recipient only has to click a button to approve or deny it. No copying/pasting, no miscommunication, and no interference with the underlying blockchain transaction.
  3. Standardized metadata — any transaction across any blockchain can include any metadata, such as a note, an order cart/invoice, to complex data used by other applications to create more complex flows without user interaction.

The FIO Protocol is already live, and already working in several applications (with over 28+ products intending to integrate). For a full list, check out our ecosystem (

What can I do to learn more?

If you’re new to the FIO Protocol entirely — check out our Getting Started page

As a developer, we have a full set of APIs and SDKs available at our developer hub (

We also have more in-depth coverage of our specific protocol features and design in our extensive knowledge base (

What’s the Special Offer?

The FIO Protocol is meant to help everybody in the blockchain ecosystem — whether you love one specific blockchain or if you love all of them.

Every user needs a FIO Crypto Handle to get started with the protocol, which consists of a username@domain. Domains are owned by Companies that wish to have their employees/users register a username on top of, and by individuals who care about having their own domain identity..

Imagine thousands of users transacting with a @your-token domain, or perhaps all your employees using @company-name. Your users will both enjoy a better user experience, while also showing support for their community.

If you run a blockchain-related company (or a company that is implementing blockchain into their own internal systems) or support a protocol, we want to enable you to give free FIO Crypto Handles to your users, paid by us for the first year. If they want to keep it, they can keep it — and if not, they can just ignore it and it goes away.

These FIO Crypto Handles currently have a $2 per year value and many users are happy to pay for the benefits they provide. The Foundation for Interwallet Operability has 125 million FIO tokens set aside for giveaways (approx 3M FIO Crypto Handles), and we want your community to participate. We look forward to hearing from you and greatly appreciate you sharing this opportunity with your contacts who are interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency for their business or crypto-enabled product or service.

If you want to participate, fill out our form at



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