In-Depth Update for FIO Protocol Community Scheduled for 18 May
The Foundation for Interwallet Operability is scheduling an initial in-depth FIO Protocol community update for 18 May at 2:00pm UTC-0 time. In this session, an update on the progress of the FIO Protocol will be provided as well as a look to the future and where the community is taking the FIO Protocol. The goal of this session is to give FIO community participants an opportunity to listen to an update in a more consolidated fashion that allows for some interactivity. The session will be held via web video conferencing and questions will be accepted at the end of the presentation via Chat although time may not be available to answer them all.
To attend the session, please complete the brief registration form so that a headcount can be taken to ensure appropriate web sharing capability. You will be emailed a link to the web sharing session prior to the event.
The Foundation will evaluate how this session goes and the feedback received to determine if this type of session will be repeated in the future and, if so, how frequently.
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