Solareum Integrates FIO Send to Simplify Cryptocurrency Transactions
We are excited to announce that FIO Send is now live in Solareum wallet. This integration allows users to effortlessly send any cryptocurrency in a process as easy and simple as sending an email.
Solareum is one of the best non-custodial crypto wallets on the market. Built on the Solana blockchain, the users are guaranteed to enjoy nearly-zero transaction fees and flashing speed. In addition, Solareum provides other innovative features such as the Lightning Rewards, which allow users to create a link that will enable people to make donations simply by entering a link.These rewards are then directly connected with Solareum Wallet to ensure that the private key will never leave your phone regardless of what platform the transactions are taking place.
As you can see, Solareum offers innovative solutions when it comes to speed, cost, security and user-friendliness. By integrating FIO Send, Solareum provides a seamless process to simplify users’ experiences. To learn more about the Solareum, visit . You can also find the Solareum wallet on the Apple App Store.
So what is FIO Send?
FIO Send is an integration that will give users the ability to easily withdraw and send any cryptocurrency without the stress of copying and pasting long string public addresses that users of this and other wallets are accustomed to having to use. FIO Send replaces that long string public address that is vulnerable to errors and other exploits with a simple, human-readable address known as a FIO Crypto Handle. The long string public key address is replaced with the FIO Crypto Handle in the format of username@domain or, for example, janedoe@solareum.
No longer will users have to worry about mistyping a character or any type of hack or exploit that alters the address where the user is trying to send funds. Adding FIO Send to the Solareum exchange gives its users an even more accessible and seamless experience when withdrawing and sending any cryptocurrency, making an already phenomenal and secure wallet even better and easier to use for all the users of Solareum. Integration of FIO Send to Solareum is another step toward easing daily operations with crypto. Grab your FIO Crypto Handle today at and try out the FIO Send feature for yourself when withdrawing from the Solareum wallet.
Check out the demo video below to see just how easy FIO Send makes sending cryptocurrency from Solareum:
About FIO
FIO, the Foundation for Interwallet Operability, is a decentralized consortium of blockchain organizations and community members supporting the ongoing development, integration, and promotion of the FIO Protocol. The protocol is an open-source, decentralized usability layer solution that works across all blockchains, and uses human-readable Crypto Handles to replace the complexity, risk, and inconvenience that comes with blockchain-based transactions using public addresses. FIO Protocol is built on the FIO Chain, a dPoS blockchain fueled by ecosystem utilization of the FIO Token ($FIO).