Cross-Platform Mobile App Development: Time & Money Saver

Fireart Studio
Fireart Studio
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2020

In times of global digital transformation, it’s crucial to stay updated about the latest digital trends and timely upgrade your business, according to them. Over the last years, cross-platform app development has already confirmed its status as one of the most influential trends in the mobile application development industry. Today, it is still gaining traction thanks to plenty of its advantages.

Advantages of Cross-Platform Apps for Businesses

Code Reusability

One of the key peculiarities of hybrid mobile development (or cross-platform development) is that it allows programmers to re-use a big part of the app’s code for different platforms, and there is no need to write the new code for Android and iOS operating systems, for instance.

Native apps require creating the code for each platform separately, so it needs the involvement of the two teams at the same time. On the contrary, when creating a cross-platform application, only one developer is needed to manage all the work. The code reusability in custom mobile cross-platform app development works as a great time and effort saver.

Wider Audience

At the very beginning of the mobile app development process, many entrepreneurs and managers are thinking of which operating system is better to run their mobile application on it, Android or iOS. And, actually, it doesn’t matter much what you choose, since in any case, it is a trade-off that will cost you money.

The cross-platform solution allows you to build an app that covers a much wider audience because it can smoothly work on both iOS and Android. So, you can target both markets at the same time. Moreover, create an app for one platform first in order to launch the product faster, and then quickly iterate on adding support for the second platform.

Lower Costs

When starting building a mobile app, the first thing you also think about is the cost of mobile app development . In comparison with native applications, hybrid apps are much more cost-effective. You can save up to 30% when choosing to create a multiple-platform app.

It’s because you don’t need to create tones of code for iOS and Android separately. Instead, a developer can handle the coding process for both platforms in one place, continually re-using the part of code between the platforms. It makes app development much faster and helps reduce the overall cost.

Faster Development

We’re emphasizing this adva ntage in this paragraph again because it what makes many mobile app owners choose cross-platform development solutions. This option allows developers to work with one codebase that handles iOS and Android app development simultaneously. You can manage everything in a single project and run your app on different operating systems.

The agile team of programmers can re-use the code between the platforms, and It significantly decreases development time.

Consistency between the platforms

iOS and Android systems have some differences in terms of building design and design. When making a cross-platform app, most of the user interface design differences are handled by default, while native app development requires you to develop some functions for each platform in different ways. Even if you have a team with perfect communication, it’s difficult to agree on each detail of the implementation of particular UI elements and features.

In cross-platform mobile app development, it occurs extremely rarely since platforms share the same codebase. It helps you build a stronger brand identity with less effort.

Originally published at on April 28, 2020.



Fireart Studio
Fireart Studio

Boutique Design and Software Development Company. We build elegant digital products for startups and global brands.