Digital Transformation: The Next Decade of Enterprise Mobility for Businesses | Fireart Studio

Fireart Studio
Fireart Studio
Published in
6 min readJun 13, 2020

The year 2020 takes us to the next phase of enterprise mobility evolution that starts with a promise of hyper intuitive interfaces and more intelligent technologies that are changing the way businesses operate today. We are spectators of the profound digital transformation that is being faced by different industries, from Fashion and e-Commerce to SaaS, Real Estate, Logistics, Engineering, and Finance.

As one of the biggest innovation hubs in the world, Singapore is a great example of a country that welcomes emerging mobile app development solutions and diffuses high-tech into different fields. With the appreciation of technology and the right predictions towards future market possibilities, Singapore has become fertile soil for innovative B2B enterprises and startups, as well as the deployment of leading-edge tech trends.

In this article, we will review top trends that form the technology foundation upon which companies will build the sustainable future taking Singapore as an example.

IoT Revolution is Ongoing

The Internet of Things is further expanding. It is revolutionizing modern businesses, largely for Enterprise Mobility. Today, it has already become an increasingly vital competitive advantage for companies.

It is strategically needed to keep always abreast of changes throughout all production facilities. IoT technologies allow business owners and decision-makers to be always updated with this information. Smart cameras, sensors, and other intelligent technologies provide businesses with highly valuable insights into the performance of existing infrastructure and daily processes.

Henceforth, teams can be more collaborative and better-informed using the range of IoT enterprise mobility solutions. Today’s forward-thinking organizations rely on connected devices and big data analytics that help them optimize all internal processes and empower business owners to make well-informed decisions for marketing and operational strategies.

IoT adds even more value to mobile app solutions, which employees use to drive productivity on the job. Often, companies face the overabundance of devices to manage. Incorporating IoT enterprise mobility management solutions, companies can significantly decrease the time spent on device management and handling a lot more other requests.

For example, agricultural companies can easily visualize key data on crop health and take timely actions based on insights and recommendations. IoT allows them to collect various data from sensors, cloud services (such as weather or maps), and connected equipment. They can track and analyze the key information on crops via charts and reports using specific mobile apps.

More data means better operational efficiency and company awareness. IoT provides more efficient and self-aware operations that will help implement further service or product personalization and drive business performance, in general.

Increased Cybersecurity

The digital age is featured not only by the brilliantly evolving technologies but also by an increased number of cyberattacks and online threats. This situation has found its reflection in the trend of cybersecurity. It is the amalgamation of technologies, processes, and practices aimed at securing the software user’s vital data.

With an increasing number of businesses hiring mobile app development companies to tailor custom enterprise solutions, cybersecurity is gaining paramount importance too. As a large amount of corporate data is now stored on applications and mobile data servers, many cyberattacks target precisely them.

During cyberattacks, businesses are going through downtime, as their employees are experiencing the loss of productivity. It may result in damages costing these companies millions of dollars.

To make sure that there is no loss of productivity when your mobile data services are attacked, enterprises should invest in trusted security systems, encryption services, backups, and alternatives so that employees and customers don’t face the downtime again.

Mobility Solutions for Defense and Aerospace Industries

Defense and aerospace are probably the most important fields for every country since they directly influence national security. In cooperation with established software development companies, these industries can considerably modernize manufacturing environments, increase operational efficiency, and drive consumer satisfaction.

Collaborating with emerging IT strategists for defense & aerospace ecosystems, Singapore can build more powerful and innovative security for all its citizens. There are plentiful ways to apply emerging digital technologies to these segments.

For example, specific mission-critical mobile applications can serve as a channel of communication between soldiers and pilots. They can also enable defense personnel to monitor the ground and air as well as provide information for the maintenance of equipment and make sure that they are in the best condition.

With artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, these industries can build accurate models from various data types, and experiment with different architectures using apps and visualization tools. With the manifold of defense and aerospace mobility solutions, these segments can bring innovation and increase efficiency to meet rising customer expectations.

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Revolutionizes Business

RPA is a new approach to business automation that is predicted to bring even more innovation to Singaporean enterprises in 2020. It allows real employees and organizations to transfer routine manual tasks to robots.

These software bots can replicate simple user operations and automate rule-based actions in the offices and industries. For instance, they can automate workflows related to deal registration, special orders, and backlog management, boosting faster and more accurate transactions. They also help perform specific tasks with lower risks, higher efficiency, and decreased costs.

RPA gives teammates an opportunity to dedicate more time and effort to performing value-added tasks that can significantly impact customer experience and raise the employee’s job satisfaction. This technology promises further incorporation of cognitive learning software that is characterized by a light-level artificial intelligence and more automated processes over time.

In fields where a company faces many human mistakes or miscalculations, RPA can be applied to decrease the number of errors since they become costly for a business.

Expansion of FinTech

In the tough embrace with technologies, financial services will considerably evolve in 2020. This powerful synergy creates the foundation for FinTech that will move the business world beyond the traditional systems.

As a financial center of international repute, Singapore provides all the financial services possible, including banking, insurance, investment banking, and treasury services. It has also grown many FinTech development companies that help businesses across different industries deploy the benefits of enterprise mobility solutions for financial services.

Companies have started using enterprise applications to automate financial operations and integrate them with corporate business processes via mobile devices. It allows them to easily access and track financial information. Many businesses also make their corporate apps work with electronic payment systems and platforms for P2P transactions to make financial operations even easier to perform and monitor.

In the attempts to make Singapore the hub for FinTech innovations, local authorities, including The Monetary Authority of Singapore, Singapore’s central bank and financial regulator, are contributing to this big idea and supporting FinTech startups.

Why Invest in Enterprise Mobility Development?

The technological breakthrough doesn’t end with these several trends. Singapore is going to face the exploration of creative tech innovations across all the industries.

Here we have considered the biggest enterprise mobility trends that grounded in today’s reality and will inform the way we work in 2020. Businesses play a significant role in determining the success of global ambitions to build a sustainable future. They can start making influential changes in the way they work today.

Originally published at on June 13, 2020.



Fireart Studio
Fireart Studio

Boutique Design and Software Development Company. We build elegant digital products for startups and global brands.