Project details and Android Studio setup

Welcome to this awesome tutorial on using firebase services with your android apps. For this application “ChocShop”, we’ll be developing with android studio 3.0, download here.

P.S : If you are using an older version of Android Studio, you would need to install the Kotlin plugin to be able to use write your code in kotin

The project’s source code is available on GitHub. Make sure your star and follow it to know about updates to the code. For each story in this publication, checkout to the branch with the name.

Language : Kotlin will be fully used as the language for this project, If you are new to Kotlin, do well to check out this link. It is similar to java but there are some differences, so do not scare off. It’s here to make life easier for you.

In developing this awesome software, we are going to use the principle of Minimum Viable Product (MVP), so each functionality of the app would be added per lesson, the app features in the details goes thus :

  1. User signs in with their Gmail account or logs in with their own email and password. This will be implemented with FirebaseUI and Firebase Auth.
  2. User creates a profile where he uploads his pictures and basic info.
  3. User has a list of beverages he can choose to order. When user selects a beverage, he has options of sugar, milk quantity, kind and number of cups.
  4. User can see his past orders and view the info about the orders.

Check out the next post for how to set up Firebase for out app. cheers.



Oluwaleke Fakorede hashCode
Firebase Android with Kotlin Series : ChocShop app

I love sharing my knowledge in the best way. Software || Data Engineer, mathematician.